Limerick GAA 2022 - Dual Kings (Part 1)

My immediate thought is - thatā€™s not good for Limerick seniors in the future. But weā€™ll see I guess.

Surely be more chance of shocks if Na Pairsaigh and Doon were taken out of the gaelic grounds and had their games in Bruff and Kilmalock. Every game in an empty gaelic grounds is no way to promote a championship.

The format of Club Championship hurling in Limerick has a lot of the usual suspects hopping like sausages in a pan.


You will surely admit it is a total borefest?

Worry about your own rather than peaking your nose into how the elites organise their championships



Theres way more of a chance of upsets in places like Bruff or Kilmallock than at empty TUSLIT Gaelic Grounds. With the exception of games that needed to be played under lights, the big stadiums should be saved for semi finals and finals.

Weā€™re on your television and in your head.


Totally agree. Club championships in general are promoted so badly. Every club in my opinion should get 1 championship game at home. Build up some excitement around games in early stages of championships.

No hurling on tv today mate.

Mayo play one home game each and a neutal game then. The vast majority of clubs have pitches good enough to host their ā€œhomeā€ game and if they donā€™t they could use the next nearest spot.

Imagine NAP having to go down to play the bouncers or Kilfinnane on a dark drizzly Saturday night. NAP will still more than likely win but its unlikely to be a 20 point hammering and far more chance of an ambush.

Most county boards just want to play it off club championships as quickly and conveniently as possible.

We donā€™t really have big numbers tbh. It massively varies from age group to age group; weā€™ve had to enter 13-a-side competitions at some grades but then might have a big group at another grade. Weā€™ve a huge number who are U-16, born in 2005, but very few on the age at 2004 or 2003, for example.

What weā€™ve done well in recent years is player retention at adult grades, weā€™ve been able to bring young fellas through. Now thatā€™s a constant challenge, and we lost a couple of senior players this year to travel & work.

Weā€™re still a small club really, we wouldnā€™t have anywhere near the numbers of Mungret, Monaleen, NaP, NCW; even the likes of Doon or Ballybrown, who seem to have huge numbers underage. But weā€™re luckier than some of the other teams back west, for example, in that we havenā€™t lost many to emigration in recent seasons.


The junior A and intermediate are the best hurling championships in the county, bar none. Every single year youā€™ve five or six teams who can win it. Once the foundations are solid then everything else will fall into place.

Take Tour. Should have been in an intermediate quarter final and safe but are now 60+ mins away from junior. Those are the fine marginsā€¦


Ye are really progressing year by year and well held yere own in Senior and while the game last night was a consolation prize of sorts Iā€™m sure yeā€™re delighted to have won it. Great to see a club growing all the same and all feeds into a strong county team.

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The ā€œstructure ā€œ of the Limerick SHC is largely an irrelevance . Currently there are four teams miles ahead of the posse regardless of the system and even at that 1 team is miles ahead of the rest


Iā€™d agree, unless you went back to a 16 team championship of 4 groups of 4 & 3 of them drew each other in the same group or 1/4ā€™s the semi final outcome is always gonna be the same. It is what it is.

Congrats to our neighbours in G/B. Iā€™m sure @dodgy_keeper sank a few pints last night.

I saw a photo of your football team in the WO this week . Ye had the guts of 40 togged

Tis cowld out, but Iā€™ll hit he TUSGG later.

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Itā€™s pretty shit though to have such a boring and predictable club championship.

9 different clubs made semi finals in Tipp from 2017-2020, and not one made a semi final in all 4 consecutive years. I actually think the most any club was there in those 4 years is twice.

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Well thatā€™s true but how many of them have been at training, I donā€™t know. :joy:

Nah to be fair, at adult level, we can comfortably field two hurling teams so weā€™re in a better position than some clubs. And this year, weā€™d probably have been able to field two football teams (although youā€™d be relying on fellas to turn up for the Junior Bs that donā€™t always show).