Limerick GAA 2022 - Dual Kings (Part 1)

If you’re referring to the danger of Gillane getting sent off I wholeheartedly agree.

That’s it. Flanagan gets the best of Gillane. Flanagan may not be in the three best forwards in limerick but the players around him play better as a unit when he’s in the side. He gives us an option we need.


Crazy stuff here, Limerick hit 36 points in a championship match and people complaining because we don’t score enough goals. We got 2 in the munster final last year, 2 in the semi final. 3 in the all ireland in 2018.
Their style is probably to take on point scoring opportunities more than other teams but is that a bad thing? Looking at their win percentage over the last 2 years I’d say not. Between league, munster championship and all ireland, we’ve won 4 of the last 5 competitions we have entered. One of our strengths is the consistent spread of scorers in every game. Some days they can hit a lot of wides but they generally outscore the opposition.
For those saying that Limerick are picking the wrong team, I’d like to know who shouldn’t be picked on the starting 15, and who should replace them.


Sure if we got better at scoring goals we would completely demoralise the other teams.


Few things here.

The league and the Munster championship are now fairly pointless. It’s about winning all Ireland’s. That’s what they’ll be judged on. How they’ll be remembered. Nobody is going to say in 50 years time remember the great limerick team who won an all Ireland and two leagues.

Pointing to last week and saying we scored 36 points and saying it’s great is the exact sort of attitude of a county that win an all Ireland every forty odd years. You always have to look to keep on improving.

Against Kilkenny last year we needed goals when we weren’t playing well. Invariably in the big games you’ll need to score a few goals. We aren’t even creating chances in many games.

The three goals against Galway came from limerick players taking a ball of the Galway defender before they cleared. It’s going to be very difficult to replicate that in games going forward in my opinion.

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Nash shouldn’t be corner back, Flanagan should be starting and o Donovan should be starting. We’d have been in the final last year If o Donovan and Flanagan were starting. The timing of the subs has been an issue too.

It’s easy to pick the best players it’s much difficult to pick the players that complement each other to create the best team.

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Limerick are the Barcelona of hurling

That’s patronising bullshit. Do you think that Limerick players and management are sitting on their holes congratulating themselves and not trying to improve?

Limerick are playing by far the best hurling that they’ve ever played in my lifetime over the past two years. What’s the point in supporting them if you can’t enjoy what they are achieving.

Stats aren’t really supporting your argument. If you say munster and league titles are irrelevant (I don’t agree with that at all) then in the all ireland semis and finals we’ve played in the last two years, we’ve scored 8 goals in 3 games.

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Who should be corner back and who should Donovan and Flanagan be on instead of?

Donovan and Flanagan are class hurlers, but both got their chance last year against Tipp in the match in Thurles, after they had been dropped, and both were poor on the day

I’d agree with you that O’ Donovan should be starting. Was very impressive in 2018, did his form dip? Seems a more gifted hurler than WOD if not quite as physically imposing/athletic.

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Limerick would have been in the final if Dowling had been taking the frees when he was on the field. Anything else is speculation and opinion.

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Barcelona aren’t great these days. More so the Bayern Munich hammering everyone in sight.

Eh, the first part of your post is also speculation and opinion


Darragh’s probably a more talented hurler than O Donaghue alright, but I wouldn’t drop either of the midfielders or 3 half forwards. Donoghue was very good last year, I think he’ll be very important to Limerick over the next few years. He brings huge physicality, is very good to win dirty ball and give a pass.

Its more about a state of mind, an uncompromisable solemn oath to greatness, there are many paralells there with Barcelona


You spotted that too eh?

Of those 8 goals Dowling, Flanagan and Pat Ryan were directly involved in 6 of them. The 3 lads aren’t starting or aren’t on the panel. Gillanes came from a fairly dubious free from 65 that dropped short and Tom Morrissey pick pocketed a Galway defender.

I’m talking about adding to our style of play where we create goal chances. In my opinion to win more all Ireland’s well need to start scoring more goals. For teams to win 2 or 3 all Ireland’s in a short period invariably they win games playing poorly a long the way. Being able to create and score goals Is a huge part of this in my opinion. If we add this to our game we’ll be very hard to beat.

That’s fair enough on DOD and Flanagan but neither hannon or lynch started that day. Limerick wouldn’t beat many teams without the two of them. Dowling got his big chance that day too and didn’t perform. I’d be Fairly certain if the 3 lads got their chance while hannon and lynch were in the team they’d have played much better as limerick play much better as a team with them in it.

Mes Que un County.


WOD is an athlete but he slows the ball down too often for me. Limerick are hardly short of athletes anyway so I’d always favour o Donovan who has excellent vision and a good fella to take a score from distance. He also complements Cian lynchs game very well. I think he’s a class act.

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