Limerick GAA 2022 - Dual Kings (Part 1)

Name names ā€¦

You missed a bit in the last 4 years

Camp is fractured without Currid, the typical Limerick in fighting has begun Kinnerk is close to walking.


Why did you shit the bed bro?

Conor Boylan went off injured after 43 mins for UCC according to the examiner

The dust up last week was serious.

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No point upsetting lads here I suppose

Lot of court cases coming up too.

Kiely might need to reassess his panel.

Youā€™ve no back bone. You gutless fuckerā€¦ Go on away for an other 4 years and see if you can find a pair by then.

JP has taken care of all that.

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Alright Robbie Fowler, donā€™t get your knickers in a twistā€¦ Iā€™d say you donā€™t know one end of the Hurley from the other :joy:

Iā€™d know enough about it to break your nose you little cunt.


This is a united front here kid, weā€™ll bate the bollox off everyone this year.
Kiely knows that team named tonight would make the quarter final of the All Ireland at least. Tipp fellas trying to get a rise cause their own ainā€™t worth a fuck


Lurker accounts on the move in mid January, we may as well just keep the cup(s) for another year and save all the hassle.


And I donā€™t doubt it for one minute such is the pick we have in this county at the minute.

Itā€™s a golden generationā€¦ we are in a privileged position that we probably take for granted.

Are other players being by passed is my only worry?

Tipp lads and Apples in cahoots :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Like who?

Theyā€™ve just called up the two most promising 19 year olds in the county, as well as most of the other standout performers from the club championship.

Itā€™s all about to come crashing down and the Big House canā€™t save it this time they will be back to also rans as they always were very soon ye can go back to naming teams in January going forward and no one will take any notice.

Iā€™m not disagreeing with regards to the two up and coming minors but thereā€™s lads that have shown promise and often been overlooked. The likes of Eoghan Mac, Ciaran o Connor, Aidan o Connor Tommy grimes, Kevin o Brien to name a fewā€¦ But Kiely is persistent on youth I suppose

Burner accounts peeping out on the 14th of January prior to an oul Munster League game :laughing: Thereā€™s lads who have genuinely been destroyed by this Limerick team.

Another Internet notch on the post for the now infamous Limerick Private Group #LPG :pint: