Limerick GAA 2022 - Dual Kings (Part 1)

@dodgy_keeper is both a proud Limerickman and a proud roaster


All joking aside, how did Limerick not manage to score for the last 20 mins today?

No, that was a friend of the forum and his posse.

I was down with @Gary_Birtles_Lovechi at the other end, berating NPHET.


Malfunction from midfield upwards.

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The finishers are no starters.

Why was Gillane taken off at HT out of interest?

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Ah here

I would say the yella. I would have taken Simon off before him, but as it turns out Simon would have been better than Flanagan on the day. Flanagan was scandalous

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There are still plenty of chances to be had for lads, I wouldn’t be writing off anyone completely after today because a lot of our bigger players were poor too.

Like, I thought Coughlan had a poor game. But he wasn’t fit enough to play for UL Freshers during the week, so he may be carrying a knock. And even with him being poor, Byrnes was very similar and we know that he’s class (although he still hit some beautiful frees in very very tough conditions).

Similarly, we know that Simon isn’t a starter really. O’Reilly didn’t convince either in his time. But Gillane & Flanagan were probably worse than both; nothing stuck at all inside.

Hanley was no worse than WOD either, both were okay at best, but probably too similar to play together.

And with Mulcahy probably three weeks away from getting a game, there’s definitely an inside forward slot really really up for grabs at the very least. But, Kiely’s comments after the match would suggest that some players might be on their last chance.

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Limerick are done.

Ducked our heads into this place today and they had 8 (EIGHT) TVs showing the Giuseppe Garibaldi Cup match and not a sign of the hurling. Tipped across the road to the Mocking Monk (?) and they had two screens on the front bar showing Dublin vs Waterford.

There was a big Welsh presence around town after the big Tist match the day before.

Hurling is a different game when matches are played in front of proper crowds and not just Big Rob Ryan with a scattering of journalists.

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Mocking monk or laffans. Mm over the front though. Proper pub. Ya like it?

A middling pint to start with but settled down nicely after that. Grand spot. Wexford seems to have a fine set of beer gardens. (Stayed in the front bar ourselves)

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It was great while it lasted. They owe us nothing.

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Do you think crowds being back might unsettle them? Could the fragile Limerick mind make a reappearance and memories of the 2007 pre match roar, the last 8 minutes of the 2018 final, and 94/96 come flooding back? Has to be a concern you would think. Maybe JP can invest in some noise cancelling technology in their helmets.

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At this stage it’s Mul’s place to lose. As for CON the ball wasn’t sticking at all and his distribution was poor. Very rushed.

Sink or swim.

It’s a major concern.

Came across a stream of Taffy buses and camper vans heading out the Rosslare Road around 4 o’clock.

As for Limerick today - we were a bit over indulgent with the diagonal ball into the corners. It clearly wasn’t working. It’s not really the weather for it, there’s no zip off that sod in February and none of O’Reilly/Flanagan/Reidy were looking to make the right runs to the corner to begin with. Pat Simon did get on quite a bit of ball first half but never really got the better of Liam Ryan. We should have worked it through the lines more, especially with that wind. Given that Kiely/Kinnerk are normally spot on tactically, it’s surprising how we didn’t play the conditions at all well today.