Limerick GAA 2022 - Dual Kings (Part 1)

Sought out three different pubs in order to watch Forest - Leicester game in the Cup after the hurling was done with. All three were showing the rogbee, and could not be dissuaded from it. Despite nobody even watching it in one of the pubs! Everything thatā€™s wrong with this country! Give the punters what they want FFS.


Iā€™m told thereā€™s 6 figure sums being spent on helmets right now.

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Heā€™s like a fella lacking in confidence at the moment. Iā€™d hope heā€™s started again next week.

Playing devils advocate here the full forward line could be an issue or at least interesting selection wise for Limerick.

Iā€™m not sure when Peter Casey is back. I hope soon but I presume heā€™ll do well to be back before championship.

Graeme Mul best days are behind him surely and while heā€™s still very useful to have about im not sure how effective heā€™d be as a starter. Particularly in the round robin phase when the games come thick and fast.

Flanagan is one of my favourite players for Limerick but we saw in 2019 he lost form for whatever reason and itā€™s not unreasonable to think something similar can happen for all heā€™s older and more experienced now.

Gillane didnā€™t look good yesterday and he was dropped last season too. He can blow hot and cold at times. He probably played within himself a good few times last year even when he got back in.

Pat Ryan and David Reidy are unlikely to start in the full forward line. I thought Darren o Connell might get a start yesterday ahead
One of Reidy or Ryan but he didnā€™t.

Cathal o Neil is still young but heā€™s had a tough enough start so far. Heā€™s probably a wild card. If he gets confidence and a run who knows where heā€™ll end up but at the moment itā€™s hard to know.

Itā€™ll be interesting to see how it plays out anyway.


Is it a realistic prospect of Adam English forcing himself into the starting 15 come April?

He is the most like Casey anyway, has a bit of guile

Hannon, Nash, Hayes back into the forwards :thinking:

Letā€™s wait for Nash to become the best back in the country first, before we go moving him.

Nash is definitely a shout given English is going so well but he is so comfortable playing out from corner back youā€™d wonder would it disrupt the teamā€™s rhythm

Agreed. Nash is better running with the ball than running onto it. The Casey role is the hardest to fill as you need the workrate of a Kiely half forward and the accuracy of a corner forward.

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Well deserved win by Wexford. Needed to dog it out in that weather and they did that.

11 points over seventy minutes says it all, canā€™t think of a lower score under Kiely off the top off my head. No point in over analysing it given the conditions and wouldnā€™t rule out any of those trying to break through based on yesterday but one of the few opportunities has been used now.

Played ok up to centre field though some of the ball into full forward line was absolutely awful. Also, everything seemed very static from centre field up. Barry Nash outstanding again. Would be a waste to have him or Richie English on the bench in championship.

Seems like Gillane may have been instructed to hand the free taking over to Reidy before half time but didnā€™t do so. Hopefully just a miscommunication.

Lastly, there is something different happening in the post Covid restriction stands. I had a grand chat with Clare fellas in Cusack Park a couple of weeks ago. Nothing out of the ordinary in that but there seemed to be a real giddiness and comraderie with no sign of masks and people seemed to enjoy the novelty of being squashed in together. Wexford Park was a different level again. Every Wexican I encountered was friendly and welcoming. Most of them were on their feet clapping for the guard of honour.

Anyway, I had time to reflect on it on the long journey home and itā€™s very unsettling. Something will have to give and I expect the mean reversion will involve some serious abuse bring dished out by allcomers come championship. Looking forward to it.


Sounds like Wexford fronted up to Limerick and they didnā€™t like it up em.

Amazing no Limerick man was sent off as is tradition for them in these type of League games. Didnā€™t Flanagan go on the rampage down there a couple of years ago?

Bit light on cover in the forwards alright. The likely first subs for both lines are a bit weak. Pity Dempsey isnā€™t still around. I think Adam English is going to get Caseyā€™s spot and light things up. It wonā€™t happen but thereā€™s a strong case to be made to move Nash forward. Itā€™s likely he will keep English on the bench, with Casey Boylan and Costello back up, which seems a waste distribution of resources. But sure it could be the opposite story by next year.

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What sort of strong case is there for playing Barry Nash in the forwards ?

Heā€™s an extremely good back and not a particularly good forward.

Ok so.

I just donā€™t see it at all. Iā€™d say If something happened one of the half back line itā€™s likely Nash would move out and English would come in. Thatā€™s what Iā€™d do anyway.

Is Coughlan good enough to come in to wing half back?

Heā€™s looked solid if unspectacular from what I have seen.

Would have agreed but Coughlan seeing lots of game time now so thatā€™s less definite to me. I think Nash is the man for centre back if anything happens Hannon though. I think your comment that Nash is not a particularly good forward is a bit petty and silly, just because he didnā€™t take off there under TJ doesnā€™t make that true.

Hasnt shown much so far. Next season perhaps a better shot at championship.

Still only going off 2 games Iā€™ve seen of him this season so could be Iā€™m a bit unfair on him

That was nearly five years ago. Are
You really going to move an all star corner back up into the forwards ?