Limerick GAA 2022 - Dual Kings (Part 1)

It is actually shocking Tipperary have resorted to lads like Maher from Sarsfields, it is like the time of the strike when we had Paudie McNamara at full forward. It is very sad to see how a once proud hurling county has regressed. The hope is ye donā€™t go like Offaly I suppose.

Pat Ryan was huge from the bench in the All-Ireland semi vs Cork in 2018. Won the free to put us a point up in normal time, set up another score before that, won at least one crucial turnover and obviously scored the goal to seal it.

He has his limitations, for sure, I think everybody acknowledges that. But heā€™s a very useful player at the role heā€™s asked to do. I wouldnā€™t have him starting over pretty much any of the other forwards but Iā€™d have him as the first impact sub every single time.


Aye, Tipp are poor alright. Success would be to make it out of the round robin. I donā€™t think many in Tipp are under any other allusions about that.

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To paraphrase Alex Ferguson, " Lads itā€™s Cork".


Getting out of the round robin gives you a great chance of playing in an All Ireland final if you avoid Limerick

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I donā€™t think Iā€™ve heard anyone raving about Pat Ryan. Anthony Daly gave him a positive reference as a sub one time. And I donā€™t know about our S&C to be honest with you, I think our injury record in recent seasons is quite poor. Casey, English, Casey and Murphy all with cruciates. Iā€™d like to know how we compare to the average.

Pat Ryan can do as he likes from now on. Iā€™d happily give him the freedom of Limerick after this:



Totally agree. One of the greatest goals of all time.

He also won the free that day to put Limerick up by a point 60 seconds before the end of normal time.

Massively important as Horgan nailed the free Lehane won right at the end of normal time.

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That was right off the back of Quaidā€™s iconic save, wasnā€™t it? It was shuffled out to Byrnes who launched it down to Simon. That passage of play was just incredible.


No, I think Richie English launched it down

Thats right yeah. Absolutely savage passage of play. That game was something else. It had everything from a Limerick fan perspective.


English smacked it down for the goal I thought? And it was Byrnes for when he won the free.


The Live 95 commentary of that Pat Simon goal is absolutely iconic.


Spot on ya. One Doon man found another there.

Pat Ryans contribution as a sub before that when the game was really in the melting pot was savage.

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Pat Ryan really is a gent. Met him a couple of times and he is a top lad. I would not be as gone on Darragh but his dislike of Tipperary is admirable.

As i called a few weeks ago, strength of Limerick panel totally exaggerated especially up front. Beating second string Clare sides does not prove much.

Three All Irelands in a row is never easy got. Nice spot to be in though in fairness to be even considering that this year.

We are in dreamland really.

I donā€™t think Iā€™d trade Limerickā€™s 16-26 or beyond for what any other county has to be honest.

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Look to be lacking a bit of pace up front.

It probably is exaggerated but still better than the rest by a good bit . Top teams and their back ups are generally overrated . Look at Kk in 2010 - a couple of injuries and they were in trouble

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