Limerick GAA 2022 - Dual Kings (Part 1)

because we won fuck all

More like a rectangle

Poor @gilgamboa gone off for a HIA after an absolute masterclass from the great @Jahan.

Sign in @gilgamboa. Are you ok boy?


Itā€™s something I wondered about myself back in the day.
Why was the limerick badge a plain white crest shape??

Thatā€™s an awful mugging off for @gilgamboa :joy:


Are you not able to take a hint?

Will a team be named tonight or are we protecting the players from the pressure of being named to start like Kingston did with Mark Keane against UCC

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Rightly so. Less chance of pressure getting to them. Hereā€™s hoping we can keep it pucked out to them and at least not stoop to their level of rough and dirty hurling

Limerick team will be named tomorrow night pal. Not sure about Cork. They tend to vary it a bit.

Thought it might be tonight. Whatā€™s the expected crowd for Sunday. You would imagine same as Galway game if not a couple of thousand more

Always Friday isnā€™t it?

Thought it was Thursday this year for some reason. Not many counties abiding by the Croke Park ruling of naming them earlier

Thursday for Saturday games, Friday for Sunday usually.

Have you any idea about that old crest (plain white) that I posted earlier.
There must be a story to that?

I donā€™t, youā€™d have to ask a GAA historian on that.

That Potter fella might know.

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Actually what was the attendance for the Galway game?

I heard the story mentioned in the replies before but no idea if there is any truth to it.

Get Henry Martin on the case.

Never saw an attendance donā€™t think it was announced on the night

16k or something I think

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