Limerick GAA 2022 - Dual Kings (Part 1)

Childs left the panel too. A loss alright as he was a starter but probably less so.

Paul White still abroad, would walk back in if around. Jamie Lee & Sean McSweeney still in Australia but donā€™t know if they have any plans on returning.

Ya Paul white is in Dubai as well isnā€™t he?

Yeah, believe so.

Queue for the toll all the way back the motorway.

Spare a thought for @iron_mike who has been standing below in the Blackrock End for the past hour and is beginning to wonder where everybody is.


Itā€™s alright kid. Iā€™ve a full belly now. The traffic at the dunkettle round about is savage

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I wouldnā€™t be overly concerned just yet for Limerick but things arenā€™t going great.

Outside of o Neil not many of the subs have done much to stake a place. Thatā€™s not good. Obviously the Caseyā€™s are still out. Graeme is really pushing on.

I think the form of a few players isnā€™t great either. That can change in time of course.

Obviously thereā€™s plenty of time thankfully and the championship format lends its self to finding form a long the way.

Our discipline at times isnā€™t great. It was similar this time last year and we sorted it out mostly bar maybe one or two times.

Thatā€™s probably the one area that does worry me.

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Iā€™m hugely concerned lads. Itā€™s one thing playing off losing to Wexford and Galway but when the likes of Cork are beating you youā€™re in trouble

Theyā€™ve improved significantly. We left them under no illusion how far away they were last year but theyā€™ve improved. Joyce is a serious addition.

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Limerick will rise from the dead Easter Sunday, itā€™s only fitting really.


Just Richie English and CON pushing the first 15 really. A lot of the other options have regressed if anything. Reidy and Ryan for instance look further away from being championship starters.

Probably good for the championship as a neutral. I sensed a bit of apathy over the winter but Cork, Wexford, Dublin, Galway will all be getting giddy.

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Reidy pointed in the 22nd minute for Limerickā€™s first score in 14 minutes

Reidy pointed in the 22nd minute for Limerickā€™s first score in 14 minutes

That needs rectified or we will blow ye out of the water again
AI debacle well and truly exorcised from Cork hurlers

Who was whipped off for Limerick at half time?

I only saw last 20 minutes but from what I have seen so far this year, Limerick have an absolute mountain of work ahead of them. Thatā€™s salvageable but most worryingly of all there seems to be about 5 or 6 egos completely out of control.

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Their discipline for a long time is pretty bad leading to countless frees
Think they just couldnā€™t handle the rebels
Not used to being bossed about
Personally I was fuckin delighted
As certain Limerick posters here werenā€™t graceful at all after destroying us last year
Well fuck ye
Time to eat humble pie chaps
We saved a slice for ye


Humble pie in February :see_no_evil::see_no_evil::joy::joy::joy:


Ye showed us today.
Fuck it ā€¦ it was fun while it lasted.


Itā€™s hard isnā€™t it

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Iā€™ll take a win over the AI champions any time and be delighted

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Doesnā€™t take long for the natural Rebel superiority complex to re-surface