Limerick GAA 2022 - Dual Kings (Part 1)

Sure it’s only a game :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

I’d have put my all on Limerick today
And as for Lehane I was wrong about him aswell
So let’s be honest some of ye Limerick cunts gave us an awful time after ye got a loan of Liam last year
Most Limerick posters were real hurling ppl
And knew how it felt to be second best
And didn’t craw
But some of ye did
So yes
Humble pie :pie: kid TASTE it

:laughing: :laughing: :clap:

Limerick are going to fucking blast them in 6 weeks, they’re clearly training like dogs

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Are ye having a little parade this evening?


Tis still February, is it?

We used to get giddy like that during the league in the old days


Goes to show the 2020 invincible season was some achievement. Only tipping away at the layge and still won it.

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Just finished

Big move in the All Ireland betting after today’s performance. Limerick 8/11 now from 8/13.

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Well they how many parades did Limerick ever partake in
As in AI - be it football
All ages ?


Hoggy will surely lead the St Patrick’s Day parade down Pana after today’s win.

A soft shower. It is like @Corksfinedtboy learned nothing from the embarrassment of conceding the highest score in an All Ireland final ever last year.

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I’ll get giddy any time a so called “ spent hurling force”
As described here bate the AI holders
And not just bate them
But comprehensively whipped their holes
Physically mentally and hurling wise

Seemed like they were throwing the match with some of the shooting in the first half.
First 15 will be outrageous as ever but the panel doesn’t look as hot, they might get a game or 2 if they lose a few players.
Cork were great in the first half but they’ll be under no illusions, today was meaningless in the grand scheme


@Corksfinedtboy has the boys rattled here. Shake it off boys.


Limerick’s shooting is always a bit hit-and-miss and, to be fair, the wind was cuntish today. Cork hit some similarly bad wides in the second half tbf.

The two goals were really key and gave them the gap they needed. Both poor from our point-of-view.


Do you know I’m being honest I stopped watching before 10 m had passed
( final)
We were a fuckin disgrace
Didn’t turn up in any capacity
And saw them a few weeks back and they were dire v UCC
So today I don’t know what happened

Its actually going to be a great rivalry the next few years. Fair play to Cork today, they owed Limerick one and stuck it on them. Can do no more.

Limerick will be out to take their heads off the next day and I think they will. Cork are a year away still I think.

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