Limerick GAA 2023-2024.... 5 in a row is not here

Did you see schools?

There was always a bit in the program player profiles about Olly being able to point 65’s as an under 12.

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The news about English confirmed.

Which English?

I beat the Limerick average comfortably. Typing in Carroll caught a few answers for me.



Is next man up Costello if we have injuries in full back line?

Be a huge ask for him with so little game time experience.

I wonder could we see Kyle going back there in the event Dan got injured with Coughlan coming in?

Nash And Dan are very robust (touch wood). However Casey regularly comes off.

Hope Deccie starts to alleviate this blow.

Have they confirmed the extent of Richie’s injury? Hope it’s not the dreaded ACL

I heard it wasn’t good anyway but hopefully not.

Ah jaysus I never realised you could do it by surnames alone, there was me typing in the full names. :see_no_evil: I was genuinely wondering how you guessed William O’Donovan.

How is the average still only 54%? :grinning:

Tipp lads drawn to the big city lights.

Tipp town ffs

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There’s a new quiz uploaded on it, you’ve to name all the players that started All Ireland finals for Tipperary when they’ve done back to back over the past 50 years

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I just recorded 100% so increased the average to 55%.

I’m disappointed with that. One glaring ommisson :see_no_evil:

:open_mouth: :open_mouth:

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Ah Jesus

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Two glaring omissions to be fair.

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