Limerick GAA 2023-2024.... 5 in a row is not here

Would hope so.

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“Even the Young Scientist of the year” :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: strange one

How come the Limerick clubs not do better in the club championships?

Just watching the Sunday game now on GAAGO, they have really dumb downed the after match ceremony, the mom award looks like it was held in the smoking area of the queens


I didn’t bother watching it. Did they go to the team hotel?

They did, Joanne, Larry and Marty were down

What time was that?

Around 23:10 I reckon

The cost of hospitality has forced a change

Why did they go to the Woodlands and not the Adare Manor that sponsors all their casual gear?

Yeah I suppose they don’t have an Unlimited Budget.

The drive for five starts here


No way could you have the gaa crowd in the manor. Woudlnt sit well with the guests.


It seems there was a wedding in the Woodlands as well yesterday

The Fitzgerald family have been massive patons if limerick gaa too


That’s pretty much it, the Manor will be full of very wealthy tourists at this time of year. No way they could have that circus of a Sunday night. Also the woodlands has been the players base for celebrations since 2018.

Last night was a serious coup for the Woodlands. They’ve got probably 6 figures worth of advertising from it, and no more deserving hotel. They run a brilliant operation.


And have always supported Limerick GAA. Sponsoring underage teams etc things that won’t give any return on investment


John Kiely singing Piano Man at 5 in the morning and the yanks heading out to the chopper for a days golf.


Did Graham Mul say his goodbyes yesterday? Seemed to be that kind of vibe from him