Limerick GAA 2023-2024.... 5 in a row is not here

Not really tbh. 15 per team each week. Upto the management to count, objections come easy from opposition.

I assume there is electronic submittion of team sheets?

‘Twas a good while back now when i remember it being talked about.

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I know why the rule is in place.

It’s complex but surely something better could be thought off.

The split season does help a bit in that regards, as if a lad is burnt the competition is over relatively quickly after that.

Used to be a disaster for lads getting burnt in the first round in April and basically out of action then until September.

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I don’t mind the rule.but managers putting on a fella for 5 minutes to then not play teams need to be held accountable when they burn players like that.happens my own club nearly every year.

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Happens everywhere mate. I almost used to hate getting the “Warm up there lads” with 5 minutes to go in a Championship game, knowing well you wouldn’t be eligible for the Junior B’s during the week. Very hard to make an impression in 5 minutes. Especially as a young lad when all you want to do is play games. In my first year out of U21 I played a grand total of 10 mins Championship all year after being burnt in the first round of City Championship. Not ideal.


Burning fellas for a few mins at a higher level, meaning its the last action they see all year drives more lads away from the sport than the split season or old pre split season. Doesnt matter what time of year it is most fellas just want to play

I think the whole thing is very different now. Teams are guaranteed 4/5 championship games in a short space of time.

That means injuries have a bigger impact.

Between the jigs and the reels teams can easily be down 3 or 4 players for the first round of championship as well given the timing.

I think maybe if you come on as a sub you are cup tied until after the next championship game or something like that.

It’s definitely worth looking at anyway.

It’s worse a club naming a lad senior and then not playing him senior. He gets no game at all then.

That doesn’t apply anywhere I know of? You’re not graded up unless you actually take the field

Na Piarsaigh beat Glenroe by 3 points in the 1st Round of the Premier Intermediate Championship last weekend. 4 of those Na Piarsaigh players started for their Seniors against Patrickswell this weekend.

I know who I feel sorry for in that instance and it certainly isn’t the club fielding at both Senior and Premier Intermediate ffs


Applies in Limerick, you can apply to be regraded after the 1st round if you didn’t play.

It applies in Limerick unless there was a change since last year.

No 2nd team should be alllowed play before their 1st team.


You’d probably miss a round waiting for that to go through? Seems an unnecessary approach

That’s a completely different issue.

Correct everyone has a first 15 who had have played the previous year.

Last year they didnt even allow that much!

No regrading during the year full stop.

In fairness that was due to injury but it does make it unfair when the timing of a match can have a significant impact on a teams chances.

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on