Limerick GAA 2023-2024.... 5 in a row is not here

Why bother with defenders, take a forward and put him back. The strategy is working

Seamie Flanagan will make a great half back

Maybe in the corner of we are stuck? Kyle to 6.

Lads are only serving their apprenticeships in the forwards. You’ll see Gillane, Flanagan and Peter Casey in the full back line next year


I thought POL opted out himself rather than was dropped, but could well be wrong.

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It’s tough because they want you to have the hurling of a forward as well as the physicality to go toe-to-toe with some of the monsters around and also the defensive instincts.

So as people have said, you’re actually likely to continue to see fellas move back, especially if we have forwards coming through.

I think Paddy’s days at intercounty are done sadly. Looking at other players who have been tried: Lyons, WOM, Boylan, MOB, Hayes, BOG, Ryan; they are some of the best hurlers around but didn’t make it (for various reasons).

There’s lots of natural defenders there, there’s lots of physical fellas, there’s lots of fellas who have nice, quick hurling. Not that many with all three.

There you have it. Limerick has taken the GAA professional. From those who know

Amusing exchange from Tuesday night’s county board meeting in Woodlands involving K/P delegate Cllr Emmet O’Brien and CB Secretary Mike “Spike” O’Riordan. One of those “you had to be there” moments really……

Spike: “the long term plan is to rebuild the Mackey Stand”

EOB: “That’s great Mike, any idea when that will be completed by……”

Spike: “Whenever you and your fellow councillors thrown a few hundred grand our way”

EOB: “There’s a directly elected mayor on the horizon, maybe you could run for it Mike”

Spike: “I wouldn’t want to hog your space Emmet”


Not saying that a gender gap is right but would a junior footballer usually expect the same funding/supports as one of the star players on the greatest team of all time? Like would it be sustainable to provide her with nearly the same level of support?


Look at the difference in preparation the week leading upto a match. The hurlers are sleeping in oxygen tents while the ladies footballers probably play frisbee and walk the dog.

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The hurlers tried the frisbee approach last year but it didn’t really work out for them.


Well since the LGFA have absolutely nothing to do with the GAA in first place it seems a bit of a pointless argument.

If they want to come back into the fold then they can complain about equality

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No you wouldn’t. It’s more the fact that she says her partner is a professional athlete in all but name

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Aaron is an entrepreneur mate.


I won* a 25e voucher there in a push/pull competition (and a free can of monster). I’m practically a pro athlete myself

*everyone who competed got that

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He is, AGS is a serious enterprise.

But he is a professional athlete in all but name. She says it there.

In all but name and the fact he doesn’t get paid, or go into work as an athlete every day.

So he’s a professional athlete in all but name and everything else that makes an athlete professional


Yes, a professional athlete IN ALL BUT NAME.

I’m not sure you’re following here.