Limerick GAA 2023-2024.... 5 in a row is not here

A split season indicates a 50/50 split.

Inter county have from December to July. The clubs have less than three months to play off their championships.

Thatā€™s deeply unfair.

Then you consider less than one percent of players are inter county players.

Then consider you have no more dual inter county players but you have plenty of dual club players for the moment.

The ā€œsplitā€ is deeply unfair.

a finger in the air number at the percentage of lads doing that?

I donā€™t give a bollix about it, I have no skin in the game bar watching matches, any player I spoke with loves it, almost unanimously


Do you think itā€™s fair inter county teams get 9 months for their championships when theyā€™ve no dual players while the clubs who have dual players get about 3 months?

I donā€™t give a bollix, I just told you

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Not really sure what the average would be across all teams but even if you have only a few fellas in a given club doing both it obviously impacts everybody.

same problem exists whatever the structure or timeframe?

Yep. All in all it seems like the current structure works reasonably well for most people.

perfection doesnā€™t exist. from speaking with lads involved in managing club teams and county teams they all seem happy

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The split season workā€™s obviously not perfect but it gives clarity!! I would argue that teams having 5 group games Is too many takes away the cut throat nature of championship!!!

3 guaranteed games would be plenty if your losing 2 games that should be your championship over!!
Having 7 premier inter games is madness

I think with less championship games the league/divisional championship would be taken more seriously as we have a very poor league for such a strong hurling county

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We have way too many meaningless inter county games that benefit nobody.

You could have six weeks off the inter county season and nobody would really notice.

Those six weeks could transform things for many clubs.

Gas cunts.

@Cheasty was right when he said the optimum number of Championship games a club should be guaranteed is 1.

The optimum number of League games a club should be guaranteed is 15.

Tyrone have it nailed.

Keep her lit lads, one side or the other will change their minds any day now, I can feel it in me waters.


We havenā€™t touched on the under 19s fiasco which is leading to a lot of young lads packing it too.

No real need to train pre leaving cert for adult teams anymore and that is going to have an impact on player retention.

Ideally you want lads playing adult club at 17/18 so they know what it entails. When you arenā€™t playing before the leaving cert it gets complicated with college exams and j1s etc.

That crucial development phase at 18 to 21 is absolutely shocking.

There was something like a 6 percent in reduction in teams registered from 2019 compared to 2022. Itā€™ll be interesting to see the figures for 2023.

Split season is not perfect but it seems to be the best solution.every player seems to be happy with it.u wont find one county player giving out about it.

Im not so sure about changing of the underage grades though.

Surprised so many are listening to your shit considering you said limerick can get to ai semi final in football last week,

split season is great for likes of feenagh going for a double.
Just winning every week and will be some craic at end. No one will stop us :muscle:

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The wrists on chanley :stuck_out_tongue::stuck_out_tongue::stuck_out_tongue::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


Kilmallock 1-06 Kildimo/Pallas 0-08. KP working harder. Kilmallock giving away too many lazy frees. The Bull has scored 1-02 but can do better.