Limerick GAA 2023-2024.... 5 in a row is not here

I think Kilmallock were well up for it early on and they had a full team out bar SOB but obviously had nothing to play for so left it off once it started to drift. There was still a bit of niggle in it. They went looking for goals towards the end to put a bit of respectability on it.

Chanley was unbelievable as usual now.

NaP had nine different scorers by my count but Peter Casey wasn’t one of them amazingly, I suppose everybody is entitled to an off day.

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Did Mul start?

Yes, wearing 37.

Looked lively enough, got three points.


Paudie O’Brien started instead of Dan Joy also actually, Costello went full back.


Showing off with that they have lots of jerseys…


A right show off job. :smile:

He was listed as 22.

That’s the age he’ll retire

Sounds like Adam was class for Doon today.

Byrnes was probably the most influential of the Well’s big boys, Kyle and Lynch went toe-to-toe in the middle of the field. Kyle definitely more of an impact in a scoring sense but Lynch did have a few nice touches.

Wind was the dominant factor in all the games today.

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Adam scored a great goal after an intricate move. Another good point off his stick. He was the classiest player on the pitch

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Who scored the goals in Kilmallock?

We seem to be making a habit of giving away ridiculously soft goals.

Jordan Higgins scored a rebound in the first half after Chawkie had saved a shot on the angle from Gillane fairly handily but they reacted quicker.

Young Conor Mac got a goal for us shortly after, well set up by Conor Staff.

The Well then got two in the last 3 mins. One was Chawkie dispossessed as he was coming out with the ball, the flick away ended up in the net. Not sure who actually got it, maybe John Flynn.

Gillane scored a rebound then in stoppage time.

Think the final margin was incredibly harsh on us but it’s been a trend, some individual mistakes have been very very costly.


He was 36 last day… he’ll be 99 eventually

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We boxed the shadows off them.


Ye won’t see the same shadows in a county final

Like last year :thinking:


Ah look, i just think they’re a different proposition this year. A lot of their better players are getting to the right age and a lot of na piarsaighs are gone passed the right age.

Killmallock won’t keep it pucked out to nap.

The well can always catch nap but unlikely this year.

Sure we’ll see in a few weeks i suppose

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Doon have some terrific hurlers. But just below the surface, Doon are vulnerable, they’re flakey. There’s always someone or something to blame. You need a spirit, a bond to succeed in top-level sport. Doon have some outrageously talented individuals, but they lack that core trait that reveals itself in adversity.

Doon will win nothing.