Limerick GAA 2023-2024.... 5 in a row is not here

I would know of plenty clubs that have submitted that “If playing “x” they don’t want “y” to referee it.”

Ya, I assume that goes on all over the country, it’s the fact Kilcoo have done it after the appointment was announced is the issue.

Aye, its a regular enough thing, but must be refused every time as it will lead to farcical situations. I dont see what a club gets out of lodging such an appeal anyway other than really driving the referee against them even more.

Castletown in Laois have a real set against a particular hurling referee. They turned up to play a Junior Football game this year, and lo and behold the referee in question was there whistle in hand, he had started refereeing football games too. Castletown most likely saw this as an opportunity to take a stand in a code they didnt give a fuck about and refused to field. Referee threw up the ball, Spink scored, match awarded to Spink, fuck all achieved other than 2 points lost and a fine. Perhaps the CB and referee appointment may not assign said referee going forward, who knows. Might be interesting to monitor I suppose.

Particularly when you have some referees actively involved with coaching clubs and being on the sideline for their matches!


Thats a particular interesting case. A Laois Football County Final referee once managed one of the participating teams previously. As it turned it wasn’t an issue, but could see how it could be if the game came down to a tight finish and a marginal call.

Referees are only human, there’s a lot to be said for not pissing them off. The cunts.

One year you had a particular ref doing games, while he was managing a team in the same group and all his umpires were playing on that team!


Y = Johnny Murphy


Ah for fuck sake.

A referee once reffed a county final in Laois and one of his umpires had a son playing! He eventually stood him down on the morning of the game, but if I’m not mistaken he was replaced by another son :rofl:

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Ah you can’t be saying that. He’s sound.

Nothing else confirmed

Problem with Mikey Browne is the whistle never leaves his mouth. The only worse ref around is John Paul Kiely, but he’s unlikely to get a final anyway.

Not so much the whistle as the dramatic run up and extra-dramatic 20 metres added

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Hopper McGrath is the worst around but he’d only do smaller games anyway

And he’d bring it straight Infront of the goal as well

Ah Hopper is 70 years of age, I wouldn’t be too hard on him. He’s grand for what he is!


Hopper is a stone cold legend and beyond criticism in my eyes.

100%. I was at an u15s game a couple of months ago. He gave a free against our corner forward for a supposed push. “I didn’t push him”retorts our lad.
Mikey decides to move the free on 10 yards for “backchat” :rofl::melting_face:

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Only 10?

You’ve to go up and plamas Mikey before the game. Worth 5 frees to you


One step ahead.
Get him to ref your challenge ganes