Limerick GAA 2023-2024.... 5 in a row is not here

Expected one of Gillane, Flanagan or Casey to start.

Big chance for the inside 3. Wonder which of them will play the outside role.

Ɠ DĆ”laigh getting a good run. He did last year also early on but has progressed a fair bit I think.

Good to see FOC getting another run also.

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Wod, wod, wod


Will Kyler be back for curfew ?

English in the Peter Casey role

Flying back with JP


Heā€™s staying overnight in the Joy

And itā€™s up like a bird and itā€™s over the prison.

Hon kyler!

Shocking stuff. Terrible


Can we get the fella marking Kyler micā€™d up? Iā€™d ask it for Kyle but it might be a bit much to have two electric devices strapped to him

Great move by Kiely. Let all the screaming Marys get worked into a lather over it during the league and everyone will have moved on by championship (assuming Kyle isnā€™t in jail).


Iā€™m sorry, was that an attempt at a bit of a quip?!

Fuckin hellā€¦

Would he be better off getting insurance

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Tricky one for GoCompare to price up youā€™d think

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Iā€™d expect this to be Mr. Hayes only appearance in the National League this year and he will be taken out of the firing line when Tipperary go to the TUS Gaelic Grounds in a couple of weeks.

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Yeah, the 7 Tipp fans that will rock up could make it a hostile reception.


Itā€™s a grand soft one to throw him into; the dubs wouldnā€™t go hard on him and thereā€™ll be no one there to see it either

The Dubs would have savage respect for lads that have won back to back to back to back All Irelandā€™s. There will be a lot of fans in HQ on Saturday who have been a witness to sporting greatness.

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