Limerick GAA 2023-2024.... 5 in a row is not here

So whats your solution- all people with criminal records cant play an amateur sport???

He has been before the courts.
He is going to be sentenced
He will serve his sentence.
What he is to do. Wear sack cloth with tar and feather.
Do you want the GAA to be Irelands answer to the Sharia courts.

Take your head out of your arse


As well as garda vetting would all players please fill out @Lockes questionaire as to wether you are moral enough to play hurling

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Was he banned? I havenā€™t followed it closely.

When was Dj Carey last involved with a Kilkenny team?

If I was on a panel and someone on that panel had a guilty verdict handed down to them by a court of justice I would expect the coaching team and the club or the county to sand down that panel member. And that is taking into account innocent until proven guilty through gritted teeth.

When was he up in court?

This has been pointed out to him in the comments

Youā€™d be on your own. Where do you draw the line.
The reality is there is a justice system in this counrty. Its taking its course. It may not suit you but there it is

Nonsense. You donā€™t need vetting to coach adult teams

That seems a cruel and unusual punishment

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It sums up Ireland. You have a culture where certain people can get away with pretty much anything.

The reason RTE/FAI/Charities are where they are is because of a lack of accountability and no consequences for poor behavior.

Here, youā€™ve got Limerickā€™s who donā€™t want any consequences for one of their star players poor behaviour.

Itā€™s taking its course, ffs!!! A verdict has been given, heā€™s guilty. Doesnā€™t matter what the sentence is, heā€™s guilty.

About DJ, heā€™s guilty, and heā€™s one of the biggest cunts for doing what he did. He will go to court and he will pay the price for breaking the law. Like I said, everyone knew about Hayesā€™ guilt, for years since the row happened. But you are innocent until proven guilty and through gritted teeth you accept that. But he is guilty, and a club or a county should not play a member of their panel until they serve their sentence.

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Thatā€™s the hurley maker in him.

You helped bate the shite out of someone but dā€™you know like, shure thatā€™s fine like, go in there and do your best likeā€¦

Give me a break.

That makes no sense.

Will Ferrell GIF by Team Coco

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Youā€™ll get it soon

As in get the shite bate out of me like that chap did by Hayes and his buddies?

Heā€™s literally waiting to face the consequences.

Whether he plays hurling or not while he waits for sentencing is irrelevant

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It might if you tone down the outrage a small bit.

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