Limerick GAA 2023-2024.... 5 in a row is not here

King CON got 4 lovely scores from the half backline this evening. In fairness, his ability to hit a ball at full pelt from long distances running is unreal.

It seems effortless. Savage wrists.


Conway? Please tell me it is. Iā€™d love to see it for his sake

Fionan mackessy to OLGaels

The narrative in the early part of last year was that Limerick werenā€™t firing and had come back to the pack, whilst Kilkenny and Galway were improving.

In 2022 Limerick won the AI semi-final by 3 points and the final by two. Last year, against the same ā€œimprovedā€ opposition, they won both games by 9 points. The gap is growing, if anything.

Come out of Ennis unbeaten (which Iā€™m confident we will) and theyā€™ll run the table again.


Yes - Colin hasnā€™t kicked on unfortunately.
Yesterday in theory should have been made for him to come into the halfback line with the injuries.

Instead they bring CON back. In my view Management donā€™t believe he has the mobility or aggression for that line.

Fergal O Connor did ok and is a decent back up option in fullback line. We would have to move Dan out if Byrnes or Hayes are not available.

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Coughlin hasnā€™t the legs simple as. Heā€™s a lovely strike of a ball, so he will be hanging around and might get some game time. But if heā€™s ever to start under Kiely he will need to find a new position at half forward or midfield and Iā€™m not sure either would suit him like the space in the half back line does

CON is a very interesting option at 6
Best long range shooter in the game.


Think the days of Dan Morrissey being removed
From 3 are over.

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Cork changing 11 players from game against KK. Thatā€™s not a good sign. A lot of good players but not enough nailed on starters.

Tipp are well drilled and are going to be a handful.

Clare have the next best 15 to us.

Waterford will take a scalp again.

I believe a couple of lads were shocked and disappointed last night when they knocked on a door and a lad had made it home from the big smoke

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It might not boil down to that but Limerick need to get something out of the two away games. A draw against Clare or Cork and two home victories is probably enough to get through

Correct. The dirty cunts.

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Are you suggesting they did something wrong?

The car still at Colbert Station and a lad at home enjoying MOTD

Limerick always struggle on that tight pitch in Cusack Park. Lohan will have them fired up against their mortal enemies. Skin will be flying

Hon Kyler!

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Can we be sure it was Kyle answering the door? Or it was Kyle above in Dublin? As the judge said, he is the bulb off his brother :person_shrugging:t2:


Is it true PJ has installed a helipad alongside his house?

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I believe so

Effective use of resources to mount a stakeout on a train carpark on a busy Saturday evening