Limerick GAA 2023-2024.... 5 in a row is not here

If Currid is giving half time team talks, you might as well.

Sheā€™s doing them by zoom apparently

I missed that Danny was back for the footballers. A big boost.

Josh in goals as had been mooted here; good to have him involved too.

Dalo nursing some hangover after Cheltenham Iā€™d say. Heā€™s not even clean shaven.

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Will be a decent test against 14, players will have to step up.

A fairly sloppy first half, some very bad misses and just simple passes going astray.

Adam fair classy; even aside from his points, his first touch in bad conditions are top class. A few players on both sides are missing simple pick-ups, he missed one but has generally been slick (one bad pass to AG when a goal was on).

Reidy & Nash have been our other standout players I think. Gannonā€™s been quiet, CON has had a few nice passes but a few poor turnovers, Lynch hasnā€™t been as involved as youā€™d expect.

Pity for SOB, thought he was going well, softish red. But gives a big opportunity to lose about the remaining players.

Cathal Mannion is class, this shows the value of him close to goal. I like Gavin Lee too, looks very tidy.


Whatever about the result, the handpass is officially defunct. They should just allow throwing and have done with it.

Yerrah that was good fun today. Just what they.needed.

I donā€™t know how anyone lives in Galway with the traffic.


Youā€™d have to be happy with the second-half performance. Dug in, as youā€™d expect and probably will be disappointed not to get the win. At 2 points up, we coughed up a silly free in possession when it was always going to be difficult to get scores.

We said that this was a big, big opportunity for Adam to put up his hand against a strong team and he delivered. Conditions were very tough, but he showed his class, that first touch in bad conditions is key. Cathal was also a lot better in the second half, I thought, Fergal looked very assured again.

Barry Nash was probably our next best player, Lynch excellent in the second half and the impact of Byrnes, WOD & Hego was good. Tough day for Gillane when totally outnumbered but I thought he did well in a target man role.

Hannon needs more gametime, Casey had a bit of difficulty at times, things didnā€™t go for Murphy and we were sloppy at times. But, all in all, moving in the right direction.


Agree with that , Adam very good , though i am not sure how he fits that FF line. Thought Reidy was poor overall , his touch ,application and v effort was below what was expected.FoC is a huge addition also.

I thought Reidy did get on a bit of ball in the first half but was very quiet in the second. Iā€™ll give him the benefit of the doubt as heā€™s just back from injury too. But if he wants to push for a starting position, heā€™ll need to do more.

I know theyā€™re looking at CON at half-back and I think he could do a job there but I still think that will be a massive loss to our forward options; introducing CON with 20 to go as a half-forward is a massive option.

Thing about Adam, he played well inside & outside. He just looked very sharp. Itā€™s tough to break into the team anywhere but it looks like itā€™s the Casey/Mulcahy role that heā€™s most suited for at the moment. And he has goals in him. I wonder could you give Flanagan 50 minutes and then unleash Adam inside?

Looks to me like CON is too good not to start championship.


Yeah , Reidy has been vvery good coming from the bench and starting in the last few years and you would think hei s possibly a starter at the minute, but he is a bit flaky, so not sure who he could reace. Adam is a bit of a conundrum, he is a superb athelete and hurler. Are we too rigid in our system too accomodate some one like Adam

I think if Adam is better than any of the starting players, he starts. But thatā€™s very very hard to say that he is.

Looks like heā€™s their replacement in mind on the off chance that kyler gets jail time.

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CON had a great second half.

Adam English will push for the 15 slot - Peter Casey has been poor in cameos this season

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Footballers putting up a better showing in 2nd half. Down 2. 7mins left.

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Lost by 1 unfortunately. A disasterous campaign

Iā€™d say Pete isnā€™t too worried about February & March form.


Not good.

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SeĆ”n finn must be near 100%when he was a sub. Good to see. Is Ć³ Donovan injured?