Limerick GAA 2023-2024.... 5 in a row is not here


Limerick are paying for their cute hoor game-management ploys via contact lenses etc. This is the flip-side for them

To allow management make tactical changes.

As opposed to what, Clare trying to get lads sent off diving all over the shop. Give it a rest will you ffs


You have half time.

Tbh, I don’t think Limerick are the team that this hurts really. Generally, in recent times, we’ve had the advantage in these games.

It’s the teams who are against the run of momentum who would like to make changes.

What are the team of analysts with a private camera feed used for so?

I was talking a good Limerick hurling man who was right alongside it and he said he was mortified Hayes had made such a meal of it


The Klare lads are very tetchy today for some reason led by the chief pontificator earlier this morning.


Limerick are hands-down the most experienced and decorated panel out there. It’s the same for both teams, the players are supposed to manage the game once they’re out between the lines. If those lads can’t figure it out without Kinnerk in their ear tis all the wan. Limerick made multiple substitutions in the second half and had plenty opportunity to get messages in. The game isn’t supposed to happen in a perfect vacuum where you can have oodles of time to adjust your chess-pieces


The same job every other team’s stats team do?

Obviously teams do get messages in when the game is stopped anyway but the rules make it unnecessarily difficult.

I’d say if you asked every management, across all teams, they’d be in favour of a change. Would actually probably speed up the game, you’d have less teams taking ages over frees to slow the game down, etc

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Did he see Copper Collins starfished for 2 mins after Gillane walked past him?

Heres Ronald McDonald in now…

Marginal gains.

Limerick have effectively tried to turn every game into a mathematical equation and this is more of it.

Like clockwork.


He didn’t say

Again, you’re bringing specific counties into a general point. This has nothing to do with Limerick, this is a point I’ve always said.

I just don’t really understand the thinking behind the rule tbh. Especially considering what was allowed only a few years ago.

I was referring to Kiely’s comments so I think it’s fair enough to specify Limerick. Anyone who ever stood on a line would like to have the perfect communication system to implement tactics but it’s not supposed to be a game of perfect imo.

Up until Greg Kennedy, you had a situation where you could have multiple mentors sprinting into or across the field. And I’d agree that that was a bit mad.

But to go from that to so far in the opposite direction, just seems weird. There’s no real logic behind it, it’s a decision driven by the types of bureaucrats who won’t allow subs on the pitch at half-time, etc.

It would never be a perfect vacuum but I’ve maintained this position since the rule was introduced.

Jesus. :joy: