Limerick GAA 2023-2024.... 5 in a row is not here

:clap:t2::clap:t2: Jesus, excellent work mate. I think that profoundly clears Kyle of any wrong doing & will have some lads looking very foolish.

I was actually going to contact you for some freeze frame analysis on Waterfords second goal to see if he was in the square but it may have been the correct decision.


Iā€™ve already checked and cleared this. He was hovering on the line but for me itā€™s fine.

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I hadnā€™t paid it a thought til you said it was a silly act :man_shrugging:

I donā€™t know pal, I really donā€™t. The evidence is there, his instinct was to flake out and he didnā€™t give a damn about the outcome or if someone got hurt. I think he was up in court recently for something that happened a few years ago, same sort of thing, flaking out and not caring what happened. As if he was some kind of big shot and an untouchable. You might more know, it got a bit of coverage on the papers.

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I think heā€™s grown. I want to believe a man can change.

Iā€™ll flake you, you cunt.

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Twas more the diving incident I was interested in

There was no diving yesterday bud, Cork werenā€™t playing.


Throw up the freeze frames

There you go budā€¦ He swings back and his arm is fully extended, with the grip a few inches from Tomā€™s torso, we know where the bas wentā€¦ Are you suggesting that he swung back just to stop a few inches from Tom just to show him what he could do to him if he wanted :joy::joy:

You lads are taking your hatred of Limerick to some serious irrational levels.

If you actually watch the clip you can see Tomā€™s head jolt back and he exhales the way you do after a slap in the whatsits

Another victory for freeze frame analysis here.


There is no contact in that freeze frame my man


Youā€™re right. You just need a tiny bit of intelligence to determine what happenedā€¦ Unfortunately for you lot, all rationality has gone out the windy :person_shrugging:t2:

Sure why put up the inconclusive freeze frame so? The linesman was clear it was a shameless dive anyway and he right next to it

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Youā€™ve a line to the linesman now do you? You have it bad. Really bad.

The linesman and the ref told Morrissey get up off the ground and no more about itā€¦a plague on the game is diving

Did Mike Casey pull hamstring again? TJ Ryan mentioned this on Dalo podcast

I donā€™t think he pulled it. Was more of a precaution it looked like.

Hope thatā€™s the case anyway. He was excellent especially for a fella just back from injury.

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Was only cramp, I think.

Tommy Walsh was on orb and he reckoned it was precautionary