Limerick GAA 2023-2024.... 5 in a row is not here

You were very zen back then

Before i was trapped by a Cork witch

I didn’t think the ball into him on Sunday was of great quality. A lot of it was 50/50 high balls. Flanagan going off early also didn’t help, as he creates space for Gillane with his runs. Shane O’Brien was excellent when introduced, but does a different job to Flanagan.

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Yeah, I personally don’t think he got good service at all.

He missed one ball that he should absolutely have won. And he had two wides that you’d probably expect him to score. But, other than that, he didn’t get a whole pile of decent service; he won a (questionable) free in the second half.

I feel SOB ran the same lines as Gillane a lot of the time but probably their first time playing together.

He stood behind his man for a lot of the game when the ball could have come in.

He plays behind a lot, gambling that he will catch it over the defenders head or they’ll miss it or something. Gets a lot of his goals from it. When it doesn’t work it looks like bad ball


Ya I can see why he does it, but he really doesn’t make himself an easy target. DODII , Flanagan and SOB have all made themselves way more available for ball. I’d love to see Gilliane have his starting position outside the 13 more often and let someone else hog the square. I’d like to see him making more out to in runs. I think he’s just become a bit predictable.

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I feel like that’s all part of the roles they’re being asked to do. TDB sat in the pocket in that RCF position which is where Gillane normally runs to, he was never going to stand out in that particular game, I don’t think.

But, because of the threat he poses, teams are setting up to counteract him and that frees up other players outside and we did pick them off from out the field in the end.

I can’t see them asking someone else to play inside because Gillane is the best in the business at it. It’ll be different against Clare anyway, they’ve had their joy from pushing right up and he’ll have to get the better of Cleary but there should be plenty of space in front of him if we can get the deliveries right.


Jesus Christ but at times there is some over analysing of some of the greatest players of all time having a slight dip in form. If some of the posters here had John Kielys job we’d be starting without Gillane, Byrnes, Tom, Hannon, Lynch, WOD and maybe even Dan

He did it for a little while against Clare in the 2nd half. I’d love to see him take Cleary out to the 45 a few times, just to put him out of his comfort zone


He got two balls in front of him in space that he lost due to a bad first touch, that never happens. A couple of the wides too he’d normally put over in his sleep, including a free. I wouldn’t be worried about him but it wasn’t just service, he was poor in execution by his own standards.

On what @Julio_Geordio was saying, I do think we used see more - or maybe different - movement from Gillane. His go to was making a run and checking back in behind the defender and catching the ball over their head and landing goal side. He was lethal at it. Maybe defenders are just wise to it now I don’t know. Flanagan’s runs are different too, his main used to be the diaganol run out to 45 right on the sideline, not so much a feature any more.

Conor Cleary who spent all his underage career and first half of his intercounty career as a centre back. It’s hardly out if his comfort zone


He just seems to revel in the pulling and dragging on the edge of the small square (as does Gillane). Change that up, make different types of runs etc.

Cleary played as an intercounty centerback for years and is a lifelong midfielder in bogball.
Edit, didn’t see @Big_Dan_Campbell post

18 minutes 24 seconds to ticket sales guys

You going into the terrace?

I would say outside Cleary’s comfort zone is doing what Waterford did. Bring him from touchline to touchline, constant movement. His physical strength is his greatest asset, try and avoid him getting to use that.

Gillane is well capable of causing him plenty of bother, he has lots of times before.

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Ya that’s my point. The easiest place to get away with holding and dragging a fella is in around the small square. If you are running and moving further out the field then any jersey pull looks way more obvious.

And getting Conlon out of position. When he’s not sitting Cleary isn’t great.

Has this started?

Sold out mush