Limerick GAA 2023-2024.... 5 in a row is not here

Even your one Grainne says ā€œwe warned Bubbles to be on his best behaviourā€. Its funny because its true and they probably got him to sign some form of indemnity agreement.

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Ah he knows his hurling though in fairness. He calls it as it is. He should get the Sunday game gig shortly id say. I hope he does.

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Iā€™d still have Ger Loughnane there, Cyril too if I had my way. Those two lads alongside Bubbles would be some craic.


He should but wonā€™t

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Loughnane was great craic. You need someone to say outrageous stuff. Even if itā€™s stupid.

Ger Locks fat arses comment is iconic


Joanne has managed to get all the blandest cunts available and even at that she wonā€™t let them say anything


Three proper hurling men. Iā€™ve a fierce soft spot for Cyril


Itā€™s gone to fuck, no room for characters or god forbid rows among pundits


Bubbles, Donal Og, Skehill.


We need Woolie at the wheel. You all know. The hero we need but donā€™t deserve

Pity bubbles got involved with that cunt Parkinson

GAA players love Woolie. His interview with Hannon was epic

I was talking to a clubmate of Woolieā€™s last night who said heā€™s absolutely hated around Portlaoise.

Says a lot when you are hated by your own.


Tom Ryan and Eddie O Connor as back up

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Well Shur if the fella you heard said itā€¦

Woolies Woolie, heā€™s grand. If he thinks youā€™re a cunt heā€™ll call you one. Some lads donā€™t like hearing the truth. Be fair interesting if everyone was a two faced Cunt.

Itā€™s on!!

We need it to be sweltering.

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@Thomas_Brady will have the shorts on regardless.


Iā€™ll have to bin my pretend goalkeeper jersey after yesterday.

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