Limerick GAA 2023-2024.... 5 in a row is not here

That’s why the code system with Ticketmaster is a disaster and such a pain in the arse for club officers.

Say you’ve a code with four tickets in it. Tickets might be going to four different individuals. You’ve to let each of the four know you only take one each. Relying on their trust to act accordingly. Human nature being human nature it doesn’t always run smoothly and then that’s when the fun starts.

The other option is that the club uses the codes to pay for all the tickets up front itself. The problem with this is that more than the odd club wouldn’t have a bank card and so a club member would have to pony up themselves and then get reimbursed later from the club. Could be a couple of grand. Plus the club then has to print them off and distribute.

Go back to the old way which was so much easier, club collects its tickets from the CB and hands in a cheque the week after the match with the full balance covered.


I remember a club chairman pointing this out on social media and he got a few threatening phone calls

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It’s a messy system but should be very clear who has taken somebody else’s tickets within a given club. I would be surprised if there are thousands of tickets to be returned as mentioned unless there is a different issue.

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Thousands could well be an exaggeration, that’s what I heard today from a Clare club member but it’s probably a number from the top of his head, it was a huge talking point in that club last yesterday

Could only see it being that widespread if there was a total cock up by the county board somehow.

Bad state of affairs when club members are knowingly taking others tickets.

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That’s not how it was relayed to me, but I know no more than what I heard and may have taken it up wrong.
I was left with the impression that the tickets were taken out of one large pool, not restricted to one club.
I’m sure somebody here has the right story :flushed:

In fairness, in most cases I’d imagine it’s not malice on behalf of the person buying the extra tickets.

They might have been told to use a code to buy x amount but if they can buy x plus 1 then why not. They are still paying for them. They might also think the club had made a mistake when they said they could only buy x.

You really need the patience of a saint to be involved in a club looking after tickets. Absolute shit for thanks and nothing but grief from those who don’t come out in the draw and even more grief from those who wanted four stand tickets but are unhappy at only getting two…

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You must be joking.


For the international rubby tickets the club secretary inputs the emails of the person who is getting the ticket (and qty) allocated. The person receiving the tickets get a link to ticketmaster then to buy that qty. Bit of work for secretarys alright but no fuck acting with you can only buy one.

Only downside is the club pays up front for tickets then when the purchase goes through on ticketmaster the club is reimbursed, which again is a long winded process

That was done for the All Ireland in 2021 iirc.


I think ticketmaster also defaults to select 2 tickets and if you were told by a club to purchase 1 you have to manually reduce it to 1 on the page. Ive heard of problems with people buying more than they should in a couple of Limerick clubs for this game.

I bet you the GAA have signed a long term deal with Ticketmaster. Shambles really as TM only care that they get their money :moneybag:

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I’ve done many a ‘draw’ meself :wink:

Some GAA head on Twitter lambasting Ticketmaster and the GAA the other day. Paddy thinks he can distribute tickets better than the largest ricketing operation in the world.

Absolutely everyone fucking hates ticketmaster, they’re a complete rip off, and pretty much every system that now uses Ticketmaster was better before they got got Ticketmaster in. I’ll never understand it.

Universally hated as a cunt of a corporation. Racked on $25 booking fee for NBA tickets. The cunts

I thought it only happened in Wolfe Tones, quite the mess and plenty of people going radio silent with tickets presumably already moved on already

No doubt a few will rock up with cancelled tickets on the day.

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I vaguely remember the Saturday morning before the 2001 All Ireland Hurling Final having to pick up 2 tickets at a random house in Johnstown on the way up to Dublin, on instruction from an Uncle in Kilkenny to drop them at the Reception at the Royal Marine Hotel in Dun Laoighre for some other fella from Galway to pick up.

There was no ticketmaster or any of that nonsense back in those days.

That same year my father actually won 2x tickets in a newspaper competition but they only arrived in the post on the Monday after the game, so after ringing Aengus Fanning in the Sunday Independent telling him the story, he apologised and offered 2x tickets to the Football or 2x tickets to the 2002 Hurling final. We took up the offer for the 2002 Final and saw DJ Carey’s Hollywood point in the flesh.