Limerick GAA 2023-2024.... 5 in a row is not here

Youre in Limerick long enough to understand i believe Cork/Limerick we can have some decent bantering in the office. We get on and know that we are rising each other. They are feral

They can get arrogant after a bit of success.

We had a vacant corner of the old clubhouse “decorated” by some Clare members following their successes in the mid 90s. The usual team photos and the like.

I’d only be laughing at that kind of think and the Cork chairman at the time let it off as it wasn’t in clear view. But of course the Limerick members who were starved of success at the time weren’t one bit happy about it.

Surprisingly power in the club at the time was mostly in the Clare and Tipp camps. However a Limerick chairman took over a few years later and the status quo was restored.

People can get quiet tetchy about these things so my advice would be get your retaliation in first. Just be sure and kill the cameras.

That caused serious rancour at the time

In my workplace we’re forever replacing and putting up flags in the build up to matches, I’d hate to think that people were bitching about me for it

Take a shit on her flag


No I’m not the boss.

She won’t come into a Limerick office putting up a Clare flag at our main reception. This isn’t Ennis. If she wanted to put a personal small little Clare flag at her own desk that would be a different story.


It did. But there was a few heavy hitters involved on the Clare side.


As i said youll give as good as you get, doubt anyone will bitch about you as carkies, ue are alright in comparison

We currently have two large Clare flags flying proudly and prominently

By god the school situation is worse than i thought

This is a Munster final. ORPHAN HER CHILDREN!!!


Deary me :joy:

After all that, Kieran’s still bate them in league final last nite

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Ah lovely

Just back from TUSGG.

What an incredible team. History makers. A scarcely credible fifth Munster title in a row. Won the greatest All-Ireland championship ever played in 2018 and today may just have won the greatest Munster championship ever played also.

The spirit, the guts, the steel, the bottle. They have it all and more. May not win the All-Ireland but you know they’ll go down swinging. A point blank refusal to yield or bend the knee.

A great occasion today. Ebbed and flowed. Gillane was ultimately the difference. He gave poor Nolan an unmerciful roasting. Lohan got that horribly wrong and it decided the game. Gillane 7/1 MOTM backers couldn’t believe their luck as they kept him on Gillane for so long.

Quaid again. What a keeper. Top class handling and distribution. That save in the first half was a pivotal moment. A goal then and the gap was 7. Superb block from the best keeper of the modern era.

Subs got Limerick over the line. Three points from King Con and the heir apparent Adam English inched the champions home.

All in all still loads to improve on. Dan & Kyler were brilliant but outside of that you’d a lot of lads who didn’t fire, while still working hard. Outside of AG not sure any of the forwards will be overly happy with their performance, David Reidy aside.

Great to win it on our own turf in front of our own fans. A crazy decision from Lohan, again, to cede home advantage to a team who don’t lose finals and were chasing history. This team weren’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth. The game was won on the line and Kiely won it hands down. That’s why he’s one of the managerial greats, irrespective of how the rest of the year goes. He’s some operator. 12 from 12 in finals now.

Croke Park on a balmy Saturday night awaits, v either Galway or Tipp. Still not firing but the four week break is ideal. Still not clicking but still winning. That’s a good place.

Now it’s time for pints and then to read back the match day thread and the inevitable seethe of the Limerick haters.

5-in-a-row. By God.


Has been overlooked so far but absolutely crucial alright.

You’ll enjoy it.

The seeth is absolutely dripping off the usual suspects. Don’t forget the 5 in a row Munster Champions, are “fundamentally useless”.


It puts an extra pep in my step on days like today :grinning:

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A few clappy Sheedy types on here thought their pain was over at half time in the 2021 Munster Final.