Limerick GAA 2023-2024.... 5 in a row is not here

I think a lot of the experts will be a bit embarrassed if they ever look back over the “Stonewall Free” that Tony Kelly should have been awarded at the end of the game. At no stage in that passage of play had he possession of the ball, and if anything he obstructed Peter Casey from getting to the ball by running straight into him. Kelly’s swan dive didn’t do him nay favours whatsoever, an almost carbon copy of the dive vs Cork. Excellent refereeing by Liam Gordon.


Frees given all the time where players aren’t in possession of the ball ffs

@thelimericks take yer da home he’s drunk

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This alternative reality they live in is really something to behold

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A carbon copy of the incident in the first half when conlon ran into gillane.

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There’s having a laugh & having a laugh……

The simpletons liking it though…

Joe’s reassuring comments on the Sunday game live that the Hego incident was ‘definitely not a red’ for him was laughable.nobody even thought for a second that hegarty should have been sent off except that gobshite .his anti limerick agenda continues.

The scoreboard is the only reality

I was thinking earlier today we need to tee up someone to do an interview on off the ball or something and detail all the fouls against Hego and conclude how “Hegarty is being reffed differently to everyone else” and put the pressure on before the semi.

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Damn it, I could have sworn that we were after winning 5 Munster titles in a row.:pensive:

It is of course. Why ye have such a need for the victim complex on top of it is beyond me.


By Friday there’ll be a few lads claiming it was indeed a free to Limerick with the stills to prove it.

Hegartys reputation is definitely not helping but that’s a reputation he’s earned through years of using the Hurley as a slash hook.

There’s so many reckless challenges from him down through the years it’s bound to come against him.

That video of about 10 replays of the same incident is gas, Hayes pulled wrecklessly enough towards the end and there has been nothing about it since.

I’m sure there were other incidents on both sides also.

I think they might be winding you up mate

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That would have never happened if referees afforded Hego the same protection as everyone else.

People can’t seem to enjoy their team winning now without analysing every single decision the ref makes.

It’s beyond bizarre.

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When Hego decapitated Joe Canning that time??

The time he broke Bryan O Maras hand.

The time he nearly took the Waterford players neck off.

I could go on.

The time he nearly killed Aaron Fitzgerald.

You’re giving them far too much credit. Worse again the lads that are actually involved in gah and should know better, let alone the other goms.

Jayses . A Tuesday night in the middle of a heatwave. Lads sweating cider and it dripping on to their phones

That’s obvious with social media and smart phones but the winning team are obvious going to receive more attention. Saying that, much of it is warranted imo.