Limerick GAA 2023-2024.... 5 in a row is not here

It was. There was a goal on if Gordon hadn’t blown for the free. I said it Sunday evening, he had a decent game. It was a hard game to ref. Overall I thought he was fair enough to both teams.

Completely agree. it’s getting sad at this stage.he says the same things over again.

Was Gillanes goal the best technically that he has ever got for Limerick. The ball just bounced into his hand after Reidy looked left and right. It was a perfect ball from Reidy in fairness. Nolan was doing his best - it was just a pure class turn.

Serious question. It was a thing of beauty.

He called it right. Original foul was the free, in the advantage played Geroid used too many steps breaking a borderline foul/tackle.
But once his arm went up for the original foul & advantage he had to call it back.

Never a goal chance

Dodgy had a post where he finished with speaking about how Hegarty has done hurt other teams. That led to my referring to his performance in the final last year. There’s no one else in the game currently that has delivered a performance like that. Perhaps that’s why there’s a target on his back.

From who? Are you insinuating referees are targeting him because he’s too good?

There is. Gearoid Hegarty in 2020

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‘We hate Nickie Quaid because he takes the knee the odd time to let the team reset.’

‘We hate Dowling because he gets excited after matches for his friends and ex team mates.’

‘We hate their sponsor because he goes in the dressing room after games. We were happy to take his money ourselves a few years back though.’

‘We hate Hegarty because he pulled one bad stroke in a league match.’

Laughable. But enjoyable all the same, Tipp and Cork were meant to dump this team out of the championship in recent weeks but here we are. Another title in the bag for a fundamentally useless team.


It is very enjoyable.

In all seriousness, to win 5 Munster senior hurling championships in a row with the current format in place.

It may never be done again by anyone.


It was a cracking finish.

If you had a few camera angles on it I’d love to see it broken down.

Seaman flangans man is ahead of him when Reidy is in possession. As they both turn to run towards goal Flanagan hits him a bit off shoulder and keeps outside him and away from goal.

This defender was probably as much at fault as Nolan. If he’s inside Flanagan he’s able to cut off the space much quicker and gillane probably just pops it over the bar.

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In 2018 he would have never hit that ball into the ground to bounce up like that. He gave Quilligan no chance.

Have to say, the Limerick management team got it very right starting Reidy. Conlan had a good game but when he looks back on it he’ll be a bit disappointed. Especially in the second half.

Well at last, one of ye admit it. :clap:


You still take the Internet far too seriously chief. Still…


Shane O’Donnell



Gave a performance for the ages in 2013 replay

Lovely version of a wonderful song.

Get a great view of it here. Flanagan makes the
Long run out and the Clare chap follows him and try’s to cut off the short pass. Flanagan immediately spots this and slows down Rory Hayes? Run to create that
Room for gillane.

It’s excellent stuff.

Hayes surely should have stayed goal side of Flanagan. If he does they probably get away with it.

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2013 replay :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: a game that was looser than a hookers legs in a firesale

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Flanagan really did do a pile of selfless work in terms of dragging that Clare defence all over the place. He was sprinting everywhere creating that space.

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