Limerick GAA 2023 - League champions means nothing now šŸ

Will o donoghue being given a one match ban is a fuckin jokeā€¦of course Will got thick wen he got sneaky belts into the back.he didnā€™t do wat he did for nothing.Tipp were pure filth in that match and nothing done about itā€¦croke Park obviously doesnā€™t want to see 4 in a row being achieved

We will bate Kilkenny for Will. With the bonus of receiving a trophy afterwards.

Weā€™ll be holding up his jersey pre-match in floods of tears like Brazil did for Neymar in 2014.


Limerick fellas should be allowed crack lads across the head with a hurl it seems


Itā€™s not as if he broke the lads leg.

Is that what he was going for?

Limerick have the game ruined avoiding contact. Also Limerick have the game ruined with too much contact.

Itā€™s fascinating to watch

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Iā€™d say once the contact isnt swinging a hurl across a lads head you can work away.

The Leix crowd now lecturing on safety on the hurling field. Tis no wonder ye are gone to fuck

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We are always fuck. But donā€™t try change the subject. He struck a man off the ball with his hurl across the head. Maybe own one or two things every now and then.

Weā€™ve no issue with his suspension sure. Will the fella who started the row and hit him in the balls get the same treatment?

Would that involve a level of personal responsibility?

Sadly yes.

Itā€™s fucked so

Coulda fooled me

So it seems

Easily done sure

The Sow will be rolled out soon on some broadcasting station to excuse sinned against Willā€™s actions

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More deflection because thereā€™s no arguing with the suspension

But but but look over there