Limerick GAA 2023-2024.... 5 in a row is not here

Absolutely everyone fucking hates ticketmaster, they’re a complete rip off, and pretty much every system that now uses Ticketmaster was better before they got got Ticketmaster in. I’ll never understand it.

Universally hated as a cunt of a corporation. Racked on $25 booking fee for NBA tickets. The cunts

I thought it only happened in Wolfe Tones, quite the mess and plenty of people going radio silent with tickets presumably already moved on already

No doubt a few will rock up with cancelled tickets on the day.

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I vaguely remember the Saturday morning before the 2001 All Ireland Hurling Final having to pick up 2 tickets at a random house in Johnstown on the way up to Dublin, on instruction from an Uncle in Kilkenny to drop them at the Reception at the Royal Marine Hotel in Dun Laoighre for some other fella from Galway to pick up.

There was no ticketmaster or any of that nonsense back in those days.

That same year my father actually won 2x tickets in a newspaper competition but they only arrived in the post on the Monday after the game, so after ringing Aengus Fanning in the Sunday Independent telling him the story, he apologised and offered 2x tickets to the Football or 2x tickets to the 2002 Hurling final. We took up the offer for the 2002 Final and saw DJ Carey’s Hollywood point in the flesh.


A friend of mine found an envelope with four tickets in it on O’Connell Street on all Ireland final day a few years ago. Nothing to see nearby and no names on it. Walked up to croke park and left it at reception, they said they’d no way of finding whose they were and he should probably use them. He said see if they turn up but left his number in case they didn’t. He got a call the following day from the man who lost them who was up with his small son and two nephews who couldn’t thank him enough.


I lost my ticket in a taxi in 2018. Lucky the man who gave it to me knew the seat number and what not. A chap got ejected after using my ticket while I got it reprinted again in some office around croke park.


Big win for the @balbec’s Intermediates against Bruree.

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Fair shooting at that grade. Bruree can store up their resentment for another while

Richie Cian and Graham cut lonely figures down the subs bench.

O’Reilly was on the beach last day too I think. Is Shane O Brien injured? Or just dropped from 26?

C O’Neill lucky to keep his place. He coughed up 5 very poor turnovers against Cork that resulted in 0-04. He really needs to tighten up his play.

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Flaherty is going to get someone killed with his reffing soon. Hypothetically speaking, is there any recourse for teams if a ref just invents a new rule & applies it in a match?

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I’d imagine he’d have to make some reference to it in his match report before you’d have an angle to challenge the match result

Barry Murphy injured or dropped of the panel?

What did he do now?? I can except a fella being bad and there being no badness in him but Flaherty is brutal with an attitude to go with it.

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Black card & penalty in a club game. Which wasn’t even inside the 21 (or D).

Reffing is a really difficult job, I have a lot of sympathy for them. And they’ll miss fouls, they’ll blow for ones that aren’t fouls, they’ll miss wides & scores at that times.

But I feel like you need a cool head and he’s way too confrontational right from the first whistle.

And like, you really should know the rules. I’d forgive most other things. He is by far and away the worst ref in Limerick.

He has a bit of competition!

As you say, it’s a very difficult job. Once a lad has a good manner with players, and is genuinely trying to do his best then you can’t have any complaints.

I think the top refs in the county - Stapleton, Mike Sexton, Dave Deady, Hayes, even Johnny at club level - are all decent and communicate with players and there’s a bit of respect both ways in that scenario. There’ll be no bollocks acting generally.

There’s less than a handful I actively dread seeing appointed to our club matches. You know anything could happen which is never a good place.

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We’ve got some fine refs in Limerick, in fairness.

And I don’t even mind a few of the less good refs who at least have a decent attitude.

There are a few outliers though: KF, JPK, MB… You just don’t know what they’re going to do.

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