Limerick GAA 2024

I thought Hannon was grand and was no better or worse than he usually is.

I wouldn’t read a whole pile into today but one thing that was noticeable was Lynch getting bottled up every time he got the ball. You almost wanted him to get rid of the ball straight away rathet than take the extra step. He had one beautiful pickup and hand-off in the second half that led to a score.

Lynch looked very slow tonight - deservedly called ashore.

Might be kick we need in long run.

Lynch getting shut down at midfield was the reason he was moved to 11 in the first place like I suggested.

Kk man here. I agree ye need pace in the team. O ‘Neill is some bit of stuff. Has it all. Was it tipp last year he played as a roving corner forward and was outstanding? O’ Donovan and Morrissey will be massive additions if they get back.

The boys are 14 hours away from picking teams

There was one time in the first half when Tom morrissey was all on his own on the right waiting for the pass and lynch turned back into five of them and got blown for over carrying.

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The wheel always turns.


Don’t forget it was Parkinson who tried to create a rift between gillane and kiely too.

I was listening to 95fm for the second half, which was highly enjoyable and both my lass and I had a laugh as they devoted significant stretches to to ongoing condition and positioning of the pigeon.
Anyhow, they said that a straight red meant that Casey would miss the first round of the championship, but I don’t know whether this is true.

The gambler sneered at my position on that.

What happened yesterday below in Supervalu pairc was nothing short of despicable, the GAA have a duty of care to the avian species something needs to be done to ensure we never have a repeat of this.

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Animal rising won’t like that


Mark Foley must have wiped out entire species with his booming clearances back in the day


Kinnerk is lucky to have you

It was foul.

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It’s 2024 lads.
This one looks good.

I see elsewhere now that it isn’t.
Get up to date @habanerocat.

Uh oh…

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