Limerick GAA - All-Ireland senior hurling champions 2018

there is only room in the bath for 2

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Ulster Rugby esque

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Isnā€™t that B o C?

Jaysus, a young lad getting the ride. That might send some of the lads here over the edge altogether

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thatā€™s someoneā€™s daughter, and who is taking the photograph? disgraceful


the double standards of the gahliban are something to behold, imagine if that was a rugby or soccer player defiling that girl like that


This makes sense now

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Milford Hospice
Then they are going to try and hit the cup camps between this afternoon and tomorrow morning.

Was in Monaleen this morning, it appears.

ALTC, Lyons & Geary were there.

When are they hitting Kildimo?


I kept saying all year that if our shot conversion rate continued to be so bad it would come back to bite us. Turned out I was wrong! Although is very nearly did v cork and galway. Yourself and Kev have nicely reasoned out the thinking behind it although youā€™d still feel it needs to improve.

The mobile phone ban that we made up as a rumour before the all Ireland needs to come into play quickly

Havenā€™t been told yet; I presume they will at some point over the next few days. Probably afternoon before one of those evening ones announced earlier.

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probably makes sense to do it with the 'Well one would it?


The yokel from Clare called Special
Riding his cousin in Kilmihil
Cannot comprehend
The greatest seasons end
Has seen Tom Condon with a medal



Allez allez allezā€¦

Weā€™ve followed you all over
Weā€™ll sing your name with pride
The famineā€™s fucking over
Weā€™re the boys from Shannonside

Allez allez allezā€¦



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I donā€™t have a huge problem with missing chances as long as itā€™s the right option. Because I know that these players can all score freely, every player will have off-days. There were a few of those for sure- Gillane had one set up by Flanagan that he would score 95% of the time; Morrissey had one from out on the wing which was difficult but the type heā€™s been scoring all year, Kyle had one that heā€™d have expected to score.

But I actually think that there more wrong shooting options taken on Sunday than in any other Championship game. Ones there were easy passes on or players making runs inside or where they just needed to take it on a bit before striking. Dan Morrisseyā€™s shot from distance is probably the best example, a player who is usually superb in possession, had DOD running into space but he went for the wild shot instead. There were plenty of other examples too.

It was still a really good performance but even Kiely said it, it did slip a bit. For the first time really. An All-Ireland final is a big pressure experience, and they are a young team. It must have affected Galway a bit too and theyā€™ve already won one; they just seemed very flat-footed at times.