Limerick GAA - Box Office

I actually just punted it.
Pats are very average. Oola missing a few too though with Richie English gone to the states. I didn’t go mad, but I’d make it more of a 50/50 game, so I think the 2/1 is good value.

Forgot bout the Oola boys gone actually! O’Donovan was playing football the last night aswell IIRC.

No doubt the irony is lost :rollseyes:

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Listen cuntyhooks, if I want your opinion I’ll ask for it. So go play with your fanny in the corner until you’re needed.

Exhibit X thousand mindless repetitive nonsense.

Ye cunts need to cut @Joe_Player some slack.
He’s a proud limerick man.

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Listen, we all know you like having you “witty banter” with Joe, but to the rest of us on here, its fucking mind numbing horseshit. You think its fucking hilarious to play games with the lad, go do it on PM you fucking tiresome cunt.

No doubt the irony is lost

See there you go, 3 replies to different posts of the same ilk. Irony? You most likely can barely fucking spell it you thundering yahoo.

Joe will go if thats what hurling people want not some cunt like you. Sorrry to the real hurling people if i annoy ye

Maybe I can be of assistance here

Are you shit sick of Joe’s shit?

  • I am, tone it down Joe and you’ll be grand
  • Sail on Joe, you’re grand
  • You know nothing Jon Snow

0 voters

You can fuck off as well.

@Joe_Player did a lot to make TFK GREAT

Joe is under pressure here.

You see this worthless spamming cunt who posted above me… where’s the uproar to have him filleted? He has been spamming the board with utter shit for two years now.
@myboyblue, huh?

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+1. Admins are asleep at the wheel.

I wouldn’t be that harsh, mate… What I was very gently trying to say to my good friend, @myboyblue, is that there are a number of posters out there acting the cunt, just like in real life. They are just best ignored… you can set it so that you won’t get notifications from certain posters like i have done with @ProjectX, @HBV, @Smark and @KinvarasPassion.

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Stop stalking me.

Pats will bate the fuck out of Oola . Sure Oola is nothing but a suburb of Doon. they will probably bring their hurleys to the match for a puck around at halftime.

Oola are the sleeping giants of Limerick football

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