Limerick GAA - Box Office

The bitterness is delicious.

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There should be one game plan in hurling in reality…win your own ball.

If you win the 50/50’s and the man beside you does the same etc…as a team you’ve a great chance.

Sweepers were only introduced really by teams who didnt believe in their backs.


Agree CLare people never liked that style but what do you do it was that or lose

All that is fine but as Tipp exemplified in both the Munster and All-Ireland finals, it’s a lot lot easier to win your own ball if:

  1. The opposition are under so much pressure clearing the ball that they hit hopeful balls that are heavily in favour of the backs

  2. That your own backs are able to deliver quality ball into your full-forward line.

Both are things that Limerick have failed to do since 2014 when our work rate was top quality and the service to the forwards was a lot better. That, in itself, is a gameplan. I don’t think ‘tactics’ have to be particularly complicated but that still is a tactic.



An okay idea if you have 15 Tommy Walsh’s.

I agree the ball in from the backs should be measured…I dont like to use it as an example as I’m fond of Gavin, great servant but his delivery into the forwards when he had a free role against Tipp when that hoor Bubbles was sent off was appaling.

Saying that the first touch from some of our big name forwards and the aggression has been a mile off the standards required the last 2 years as well.

They need to be able to take a belt to win a ball…and I havent seen enough of that.

Not drinking enough lattes, that’s what. Soft Bogger cunts.


See that’s a very frustrating thing because I know that Gavin is well able to find a man if he does get his head up but I agree, his delivery and the delivery of the rest of the half-back line has been poor.

Agree on your point re: the forwards too. We need our players to be more fired-up, full of aggression, not whinging every time someone hits them.


Look if JK can put 3 lads out in the HF line who at least compete under Nickys puckouts we’ll be in a better place.

David Breen was a loss in that regard this year in fairness to him.

Whatever about the puckouts, Breen was a loss in terms of aggression and his direct running. Not refined enough to be a top intercounty player but his sheer power as well as his attitude always made him an asset.

Not the most fashionable player but we were never as good without him on the pitch as we were with him on it.

High work rate can most easily be achieved by setting a simple focus like Tipp did. They demanded that their forwards come up with 2,3,4 hooks and blocks a game and the big thing for them was the turn over, it was made the holy grail for the forwards, praised to the heights and what they were measured on. It was tangible and something they could visibly see improving their chances of winning… they all bought in. The rest like “work rate”, “intensity” etc are all by products of that, they simply follow on.


High workrate is a basic for an inter county forward . It is not a virtue . In Kilkenny it is like ability to breathe .

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Who said anything about inter county, I’m talking about all teams

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Hip hurling is Seamus Hickey theatrically hand passing balls to himself in his own half-backline in his latest luminous boots and helmet combo with his socks pulled up to his testicles. (Btw someone needs to bate this out of Pat Simon before he can make it at intercounty).

Hip-and-whip hurling is Mike O’Brien in a field somewhere, possibly with a hurley, which will definitely have blood on it, and will be up to his waist as opposed to the bottom of his pocket.


@Julio_Geordio won’t like the direction this discussion is taking.

The fact that anyone could consider Breen a loss tells you a lot about where we are at this stage.

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You only need 1 game plan to get out of 1b

You need 6 years in Limerick . At least

That may be true; fact is he has been a loss.

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