Limerick GAA - Box Office


I wouldn’t be Breen’s biggest fan but he has been a loss without a doubt, only guy who got any change out of Padraic Maher and caused him hassle.

Good ball winner and got drive at defence.


I always wonder what might have been if he had been thrown in at full forward for the last 5 minutes against Kilkenny in 2014

We’d still have lost


Probably. But we had nothing to loose at that stage. I think we gather a free in the last minute and Richie lobbed it in between Murphy and Graham Mulcahy. There was only going to be one winner there

Ye’d have lost.


Read above. Not disagreeing

If it altered the result tipp would have won the all Ireland . An appalling vista .


I can’t ever recall Dave Breen catching one high ball in his inter county career. He’s a prime example of everything that’s wrong with Limerick hurling today. A Big soft bastard with his head up his own hole that thinks he’s tough because he’s in the gym evening evening and can’t hurl spuds to fucking ducks. Give me Colin Ryan any day over this fella.



your attention please

It’s frightening how far we’ve fallen that people consider these lads losses. He isn’t even in the top 6 forwards in his club to no mind in Limerick. No wonder we are laughed at by the real contenders.

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He caught a puck out in the All Ireland quarter final against Wexford in Thurles in 2014. He turned, shrugged off would be tacklers, marauded through, cut in a bit from the right wing and buried it to the net. It was an absolutely pivotal goal as that game could have gone either way.


Yeah but it was only Wexford.

The most important moment in Wexford/ Limerick battle since clem smith dragged down Rory McCarthy . Next was hairy Wallace sending the superblues out to warm up on a cabbage patch .

Henry Martin and Bandage could co write a book on Slaney/Shannon sporting battles.

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It only went one way from there.

Definite turning point alright.

You cpulse make an argument that the goal chance that was blazed wide (I forget who it was ) by Welford when the game was not long on was the pivitol point. It rattled Wexford and Limerick were well on top by the time Breen goaled

Kildimo/Pallas have won the minor A hurling

By far the best team at the grade, fine win today in horrible rain.

Did they win that last year ???