Limerick GAA - Box Office

You’d get a good buzz for it in NCW. Great stand to generate a bit of noise.

there are seats in the stand in Kilmallock now. We got some from Porky Kweeve.


Colin Ryan is well able to mix it. Unlike condon and them though hes prone to possibly overdoing it.

Ffs he is from Psllasgreen . Quelle surprise .

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As a legendary/notorious Pallasgreen full back said as he was being booked for drawing a boot across my hands “Ah ref, my feets goes where they wants to”


For fuck sake, nobody is saying we want an ash wielding red card merchant at centre back. But the foundation stone for any defender is aggression. If you can’t tackle, or don’t like tackling, or have no intention of putting in tackles, then you are not going to make a decent centre back. That is what we are saying. Defenders need aggression. The Tipp backs are a perfect example. Nobody is looking for lads to cut the heads off their opponent, but you have to be willing to put in the physical challenges. Ronan Lynch does not have that in his game. Byrnes is simply a better 5 than a 6, I don’t think that can be argued against at this stage, it’s pretty clear!

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Woah, woah, woah, speak for yourself here




Pallasgreen pride themselves on being filthy cunts.

When did they install them? I had an argument with a fella who said they were there ages ?

Settle it …

Only there since last summer. I mean on the town sideline, the stand that only allowed standing :). The old wooden ones are on the link road side of the ground for years.

Ah ya as i expected. this’ll be screenshot and sent on to the fucker.

There you go now, a man on the internet said it

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Hickey for centre back.

If we have to play him somewhere at all I wouldn’t be too opposed to that. He’s a bit headless though

That’s like saying Usain Bolt is a bit fast

Even better


I’m being kind