Limerick GAA - Box Office

Dowling for centre back.

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Ye have a nice squad

Up Leitrim

Go way to fuck Joe and don’t be soaping us up before ye hammer us tomorrow night!

Who cares we will still make the final

You’re an awful man Joe.


Fcuking atmosphere !!!.

A Munster league game v Kerry and McGrath cup in football . In January !! Ffs

I advocated GOM for 6 last year as a stop gap, but I was surprised at how rash he was in the position. Lost his head a lot, when you needed someone to hold the position. Not sure if the atmosphere in the camp last year would have contributed to it. He was an improvement, striking wise, from Wayne Mc but that was about the size of it.

Lynch imo is worth a shot at the position, particularly with aggressive wing backs along side him at 5 and 7 (Byrnes & Hego). We already have enough one-paced hurlers up front and this notion that he will develop as a midfielder is utter fantasy.

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And do we not have enough one paced hurlers in the backs?

Hannon is the solution. The real Hannon that is, if he can ever be found again. If not throw Tom Condon in there.

He hasn’t been seen in a while,but I know what you mean. The lad is a class hurler but aggression and hunger needs to be found from somewhere or his time is running out.

That’s the worry as well with the U21 winning side. They are all nice hurlers but there’s no one amongst them bar Byrnes that would cut the shit out of a lad if needed. Condon has that as well, that ruthlessness. Dave Moloney had it too but was cast aside too quickly. A lot to be said for having a few players with that streak in them, Kilkenny always had them.

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Never recovered from the semi final against Clare, hopefully Kiely can bring him back. He’s like a lad who has fallen out of love with the game. You see glimpses every now and again though. He can’t get too many more chances.

Agreed. I said 2 years ago he would have been best served heading off travelling for a year or something.

I’ve been saying it for years we need lads who can win their own ball. Nash is a lad I like from that 21’s team, got a bit of toughness about him but a lot of the rest are similar to what we had already.

Hegarty isn’t shy on the physical front at all - It’s the rest of his game that needs work - but deffo a lad that would go out and lay into anyone.

Not a forward though. Need to leave him in the backs where he belongs so he can develop

I didn’t realize we were talking about forwards - We’ve nothing.

Too many nice hurlers

Colin Ryan and English.

I’ll give you English, he has good cut in him but I don’t know about Colin Ryan, though he certainly comes from the right club for plenty of ‘cut’!

Hannon has shown it in the past as a forward - not just prior to the 2013 semi but against Wexford (admittedly a cakewalk) and Kilkenny in 2014. Based on this, the farce that has been the last 2 years under Teege, and the sheer lack of options up front, I’d be very slow to write him off.

Aggression is all well and good, but the game is gone beyond the days where the centreback’s main job is to hurl some simpleton wearing jersey 11 and a junior-sized Cooper pulled low over his forehead and his ears sticking out like a pair of trophy handles, pulling in a frenzied fashion on anything that drops from the sky. The minute Limerick fans get a centre-back with agression, they’ll realise they want one that is measured and cautious: “Oh that Byrnes fella, he has loads of aggression. And he’s great in the air. And he’s a superb hurler. But he can’t hold his position, he has no spacial awareness. He’s a 5, not a 6.”