Limerick GAA - Box Office

Something wrong mate?

What’s new these days on the senior hurling front?

Crowd gathering in Mungret already


NAP evs vs st Pats seems well a NAP?

No, by all accounts Pats are now “flying it”,

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We had 20 security men for Nathan Carter last week, will need more tonight!!

I will be down to see the game

They’ve stopped backing against themselves so?

In fairness we all backed Kierans. It was my biggest win of the year in a small double.

And they handed the baton over to Doon.

The u21 final between Doon & NaP is the most eagerly awaited game in Limerick GAA right now.

I’ll be having a small cut off of Oola, looking at the D/B team from last weekend, they must have lost at least 15 players in the 2 years. Stokes the only one of the subs that i recognize. If they hadn’t the F/K lads they’d be in right trouble. In fairness though not many clubs could cope without Seanie buckley and Killian Fahy aswell as Killian Phair.

Why is Buckley not available?

Went for surgery of some kind after the intercounty finished up afaik.

Thanks. A big loss to them.

From Hoganstand:

Committee to find next football manager:

John Cregan (Drom-Broadford) - Football Board Chairman
Gerry Philips (Monagea) - Football Board officer
Liam O’Sullivan (Claughaun) - County Board officer
Mike Mullane (Saint Senan’s)
Billy Lee (NCW)
Stephen Lucey (Croom)

Prof Honeydew (Limerick) - Posts:1106 - 01/09/2016 12:27:34 1909084


Nice to see a prominent TFK poster on the selection committee.

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Enlighten??? County Board Officer???


Get’s me every time.

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Few interesting names there.

It seems a job with 95fm is the starting point for a lot of those with aspirations…