Limerick GAA - Box Office

Fucking continued guess work by the management.

Shane Dowling on Today FM with Paul Collins on the Sunday morning show.

Limerick 0-3 Wexford 0-3

12 mins gone.

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Limerick 0-6 Wexford 0-3

0_6 Limerick.

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You getting the updates on Twitter pal? I presume this Wexford side is poor?

How’s it going

I love it when I forget we are playing.


6-3 19 mins. Limk GAA twitter

Not on raido

I’m not at the game mate, just getting updates from twitter, and Live 95 FM every so often - the cunts, thought they would’ve had commentary for it.

Winner plays Galway?

Limerick 0-7 Wexford 0-3

23 mins gone.

Ya think so pal.

Limerick 0-7 Wexford 0-4

Limerick have a massive breeze… They need 7/8 point lead here or they can forget it.

Big breeze fuck

8-4 now

Halftime 0-8 0-5

Hope that breeze fucks off.

You dozy bastards. Wexford have played with the strong breeze in the first half.