Limerick GAA - Box Office

It is. What sort of injury? Knee injury or the likes? He’ll be a savage loss.

As a side issue did anyone at the game yesterday take notice of the graphic that was flashed up on the big screen re funding for the competing counties. We are only in the ha’penny place with these cunts. It wasn’t enough that the ref and his team tried to ride us without the GAA confirming the anti-Limerick sentiment is institutional wide.
The figures were

Kilkenny Funding in 2015 - €827,829
TippCunts Funding in 2015 - €847,313
Limerick Funding in 2015 - €480,770

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I didn’t hear the extent only that he is likely not to be playing again this year.

Playing for Oola?

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Baseless opinions on a number of players. Haven’t checked the fixtures. No one’s sulking. Except you Na Piarsaigh are all Ireland champions and that Seamie Callanan trampled all over your bullshit opinions, again.

Yes nap are sulking why are they refusing to fulfil the city championship fixtures?

No idea was talking to a man out that direction yesterday at the game and he told me he was simply out for the season. He was in America so I doubt it’s plAying football.

O’Meara did well as the sweeper in the first game, he’s a good hurler. But I wonder would he be better further up the pitch? You’ve probably seen him a lot more than me.

Nicholas aswell, thought he looked really poor as the sweeper in the Munster final and didn’t look comfortable in a man marking role either. He’s clearly a serious hurler though, just not sure he was employed in his best position.

Similar story for a couple of the other players. I suppose they all performed roles and they did get to an All-Ireland final, so it’s probably harsh to criticse.

Will Davy persist with a sweeper with Limerick?

My beloved Blackrock up against it tonight as they take on Monaleen… They need to win two from their last three to make the knockout stages.

Level at 0-14 apiece with 20 to play. I would have fancied Monaleen for this one myself.

Mousey’s boys have got the win: 0-20 to 0-18.

Huge win for them with Croom still to play, you’d expect them to win that.


Hup ta fuck.

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Ambled out to it. Blackrock deserved it overall. They were ridden by the referee for most of it but plugged away and scored the last 2 points to win. Richie Mac looked in decent nick and hurled well. The Monaleen boys who went to the States might as well have stayed there.


How did my guy, Moloney go? Was Dylan Dawson playing?

Dave Moloney was centre-back and did ok. Brian was full-back and was roundly beaten by Gerry Collins who scored three lovely points. Monaleen, of course being renowned for their brains, then decided to stop the low ball into Collins who was profiting hugely from it.

Dawson didn’t play. I heard there was a balls-up with a transfer/sanction to America.

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Does that ref have a bad rep? Only had him once for a game.

He’s usually ok, to be fair. Didn’t have a good night tonight though.

All Ireland Football Semi Finalist & AI Hurling Champions ( and Minor ) seems money well spent you thick cunt. We promote the GAA. :wink:

It was last year’s figures Harry but we still had three teams in all Ireland finals and another in a semi last year. I’d say it’ll be more this year and rightly so