Limerick GAA. Don't be sad. Another 45 won't be so bad. Limited heartbreak

Look over there


Should have full force of law thrown at them :+1:

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I wonā€™t as Iā€™d have the same opinion of any sporting great
Soccer, hurling,GA,etc
Be they from anywhere,
Youā€™ve a responsibility when in the limelight

100 pc

Any cunt drink/ drug driving needs jailed

Reminds me of Lee Bowyer whose game seemed to improve after he was in all the bother after that assault. On the other hand, Woodgate looked like heā€™d seen a ghost the whole time and his form plummeted from what I recall.

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The only thing could mess up Kyleā€™s game is playing him in the full forward line, only time Iā€™ve ever seen him minutely struggle!

Whatā€™s the relevance of this?

Everyoneā€™s got their own problems. Taking pleasure out of seeing somebody else having problems because heā€™s a good hurler for another team is disgraceful.

And thatā€™s what a lot of lads are doing here.

You said what about lads drink driving. Itā€™s completely irrelevant.

Kyle was having problems? He wasnt too worried about the other road usersā€¦

Just a pity this is getting the headlines when we shoild be celebrating the sport

The mental gymnastics here are and will be fascinating.


No itā€™s not.

Rodman and Pippin and those lads had the same problem when the Chicago Bulls were on top. These Limerick lads are the face of hurling.

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You are a disgrace of an individual carrying on like this.

Sorry for just wanting some law and order pal

If the Cork lads win on Sunday, ye can let them wreck Patrick Street, timing fits well.

Iā€™d say someone will play the mental health card here yet.

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People shouldnā€™t drink drive. People also shouldnā€™t drive 50 km over the speed limit.

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They mustnā€™t have known who he was.