Limerick GAA. Don't be sad. Another 45 won't be so bad. Limited heartbreak

I agree with all of that.

I thought the half back line were very good. Dan Morrissey is some man to get over a ball, stick his arse out and get it into the paw, he loves the short passes or hand pass. Byrnes on the other wing is probably the more spectacular hurler, more likely to win a high ball and burst forward before delivering it to the inside forwards. His long range frees in the second half were vital.
Hannon is central to this team, heā€™s a great man to cover back and pick up vital ball, we saw it so much last year at big moments in games as well. A great leader.
I agree with previous comments about Gillane also, he has so much potential and could be immense.
The poster who said wexford just went route one in the second half was correct as well. They offered fuck all else in trying to make scores, no patterns of forward play

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Dan Morrissey got caught trying to catch a ball going backwards for their second goal. Similar to Lehanes goal for Cork, back pedalling trying to catch it. He does seem to get caught under the ball a fair bit. Condon was coming out yesterday to try and catch it as well. Iā€™m sure that will drive the management spare, two lads going for the one ball and a big gap for Wexford to run in to

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One of aspect of Wexfordā€™s play which I was impressed with was when they did win primary possession around our 45, they had 3 or 4 options running off the shoulder and the likes of Dunbar & Dunne looked very threatening. Both goals came from this kind of move, and I suppose that is what Wexford are aiming to do consistently.

That aside, I thought we defended superbly. We harried and hassled and pushed them away from goal, and really limited their scoring opportunities. Now admittedly, the conditions meant it was a day for backs and Wexford donā€™t make it easy for their own forwards at the best of times so no need to get carried away.

Iā€™m told Kiely is livid at the concession of the two goals and the second one in particular. Far too easy.

the second was a calamity to be fair.

Last year, a few players were given a jersey and held onto it, players who generally mightnā€™t have been expected to start- Flanagan, both Morrisseys, even Gillane & Mulcahy.

With regard to the newcomers/contenders yesterday:

Condon was decent. Couple of big, standout moments but a couple of errors. Youā€™d still be favouring Mike Casey to come back in.

Mala had a good first half but faded. When you look at the impact that DOD had when he came on too, I donā€™t think heā€™ll be taking that starting spot. Still, as an impact sub heā€™ll put pressure on.

Dempsey worked hard but didnā€™t really stand out. Youā€™d have to see Kyle as being favoured to come back in. I thought it was interesting that Murphy was brought in as a wing-forward rather than Boylan or Dowling.

Casey was excellent in the first half and he was the one who really showed his quality. Creates space for himself so easily and a deadly finisher. I donā€™t know who he replaces but heā€™s got that jersey now and he wonā€™t relinquish it easily.

Be interesting also who comes in next week against Tipp. Obviously you have Pat Ryan Simon who was the chosen sub yesterday, but may be preferred as an impact sub. Thereā€™s Dowling but it is a different style of player. There was no sign of Nash at all yesterday and Mulcahy could miss out. Murphy was preferred inside early last year but Downes was on the bench yesterday, maybe itā€™s his chance?

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Is there Fitzgibbon this week yeah? Be interesting to see the 15 that Kiely will name for Tipp. Sheedy trying his best to disguise the fact that Tipp are going balls out at the moment but you could see it in his own demeanour and reactions on Saturday night and in fairness the desire was impressive from them. Theyā€™ll come all guns blazing and itā€™ll be a huge step up in class from Wexford. Tipp a good bit ahead of us preparation wise. Iā€™m looking for the same attitude and effort from our boys

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The really notable thing about the tony Kelly sending off was the ground covered by SĆ©amus Callanan in the chase

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Flanagan out is really going to up the ante in the forward competition. What happens if Gillane picks up an injury at any stage? Dowling surely starts or do they risk Casey as the freetaker? Dowling canā€™t cover ground like Flanagan but I still think he could be hugely effective in the system.

Well. This is the time to try stuff like that out. No relegation plus the win yesterday eases the pressure a bit.

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Callinan at this stage is heading into the realms of best forward in the country if current trajectory continues. Adding that side to his game while still scoring and creating like that will see him win Hurler of the Year for 2019 if Tipp make it far enough. I couldnā€™t get over the condition he was in back in December in the Munster League

No player in the squad will give what Flanagan gives . If he doesnā€™t play we have no real replacement at FF to do that role .


God forbid Gillane got a knock or was put off, but Tom Morrissey wouldnt let us down with the frees.

Agreed, it will be interesting to see who comes in for Flanagan. Was surprised Dowling didnt get a run yesterday though and that could point to him being behind Murphy and Pat Simon currently in the peckin order, maybe not though.

Agreed time to mix things up a bit in these games we will need to evolve I still reckon weā€™ll be there or thereabouts at the business end in the summer

Unless Flanaganā€™s form drops off a cliff heā€™s not going to be replaced any time soon. Canā€™t fathom how lads donā€™t see how vital he is. In my opinion he isnā€™t in direct competition with Dowling at all. We actually donā€™t have a replacement for Flanagan.

Dowling was most effectively used in the half forward line last year. Kilkenny & Cork thatā€™s where he came on and was superb. I think heā€™s in competition with Kyle, Tom M and GearĆ³id. Not going to be easy displace those lads.


Yes . Need to look at a few options .

This year is hard to tell . If we can improve a wee bit we can win the AI . If we dip a wee bit we could be 5th in Munster . Very tight .

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I think Flanagan is central to how we play. But I think people overstate his personal impact last year. He had a big influence on two games in the championship, apart from those two, not so much. That said, heā€™s still the man in possession and central to how we play, and I expect him start trending towards his stronger performances more consistently.

Youā€™re dead right there.

I forgot about Morrissey on frees. Still unsure would they start him as the freetaker in a championship game. The way heā€™s grown heā€™d probably relish the responsibility actually.

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