Limerick GAA. Don't be sad. Another 45 won't be so bad. Limited heartbreak

Dowling is a centre-forward in my book and Iā€™m slightly disappointed he didnā€™t get on there yesterday. The reason being said is that we were down to 14, but so were Wexford. I think he could have given us another focal point in attack. We need competition, keep fellas on their toes.

In fairness he was flawless in Cork last year

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Could limerick enter two teams in the championship this year?
A limerick vs limerick final would be a racing certainty, and a game for the ages.

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Did Morrissey take fees for Ahane last year ?? To be fair he was flawless the night below in PUC .

But then thereā€™d be no lads with red sunburnt foreheads and rolled up programmes in the hand frothin at the mouth roaring ā€œHON MACINNNERNEAAAY BOY!ā€

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Jesus Christ ye played with a team of cripples in last years final and only lost by a point . Ye have a pile of young talent coming through . Make your WUMS some bit plausible flatty .

Shure didnā€™t the B team beat the A team in the run up to the final last year?

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By 4 points, meaning our Bs are 5 points better than Galway. Itā€™s just maths :man_shrugging:

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We only won because of the weather last year. Limerick thrive in sweltering heat. We nearly got caught in the final because the heatwave was over. Cc @glasagusban


With global warming on the way our dominance will be complete.

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All the games that mattered were played on relatively mild/ dampish days .

Nope it was the heat. And Galway were tired. And Cork ran out of subs. And Kilkenny were missing Walter.

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Ye were absolutely steeped when you put it like that.

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Not everyone can beat Antrim in a final to end a long wait!



:grin: I love it when thatā€™s all you are left with.


Limerick C will be entering Leinster next year in an attempt to improve competitiveness.


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I know sure. And I forgot to mention Tipp were on the charlie and the drink and all that goes with that

Michael Ryan taking over nap. Very odd.