Limerick GAA. Don't be sad. Another 45 won't be so bad. Limited heartbreak

Late in the year ?

Beary WAS Mr Na Piarsaigh.

That mantle is now held by Mr Dowling.

Put up what bud?

The Dow wonā€™t like the media ban.

Is Shaughs still with Tour for 2019?

Yes, they had to up his money though. he was offered more elsewhere and they had to match it or lose him.

Evidence my dear man. Please show me the position I am supposedly back tracking from.

I heard a lot of people in Kilmallock wanted hin. From his own point of view, Iā€™d say heā€™d be better staying away for a few years- heā€™d have played with, and is presumably friendly with, a lot of that team. Better to build up his profile elsewhere.

Heā€™ll have a tough job with Tour thoughā€¦ Impressive junior winners but theyā€™ve lost a few players, I believe, including a couple of their big players. Some of the Intermediate teams are average enough but at the same time, Tour donā€™t exactly have a massive pick.


Stephen Cahill is gone anyway and unlikely to return, heā€™s their main man.

Heā€™s gone on Tour?

this thread hasnā€™t been kind to you today.

Itā€™s full of bipolar folk

I know, thatā€™s why we talk all serious discussion to the VIP area


No itā€™s very secure. Invite only.

Is it 30 it 31 Cork are going for

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This century, they are going for no. 3.

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Big massive fuck off smile, maybe if they added up minors,and camogie? Nah still way behind, football? Nah they havenā€™t a football team either

Wha? If you want to go down that road - Limerick have a fair few All Irelandā€™s this century - 4 U21s and 1 Senior ā€¦ go way with your wimins sports ffs.

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