Limerick GAA. Don't be sad. Another 45 won't be so bad. Limited heartbreak

Possibly but maybe kiely knows his man and he wants him clipping fit come championship. Itā€™s quite possible leaving him on the bench motivates him much more. As in the dropping v Carlow and his form afterwards was unreal. I think kiely knows his man and how to get the best out of him.

Sure all heā€™s trying to do is cast aspersions on Dowling as usual. He knows fuck all. Youā€™re right to point out he has always performed to a high standard and never let us down.

Once we went down to 14 men and plenty of space, pace was needed. Thatā€™s why Dowling wasnā€™t brought on. Itā€™s very simple really. Same below in Cork last year.

Iā€™m talking about in the half forwards. Tom was absolutely gassed.

Correct. There is a serious danger here of lads trying to read too much into the first match of the league against fucking wexford.

Thatā€™s what was said but:

  1. So were Wexford and it was a dogfight second half
  2. Fellas were gassed, Iā€™m surprised more subs werenā€™t introduced whether Dowling or Boylan/Hanley/Downes

Itā€™s winter ā€¦ time to bulk. Oā€™Connor will be laying down different plans now as the league progresses and championship nears. Few of the lads look to have filled out big time but thatā€™s lads naturally maturing as wellā€¦ might be a bit harder for old man Tom to shake it off tho.

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He can be a bit slow to bring in subs in general I think.

Iā€™m not at all and you didnā€™t answer my question. Why was Dowling dropped after the Clare game? You claimed he wasnā€™t the problem yet he was dropped.

point 2 is exactly it. Tom and Gillane looked very very tired towards the end.

On a heavy ground thatā€™s when you can pick up muscle injuries. Iā€™m surprised we didnā€™t empty the bench

Exactly @anon78624367 thinks everybody does the same work. Each player has his own nutrition plan and their own target gym work.

Iā€™m not sure Iā€™ve ever seen him make only 3 subs though, especially when fellas are wrecked.

Thereā€™s a bauld streak in Condon that you just cant trust in the modern gameā€¦ you know in the heat of battle heā€™ll stupidly flake someone. Thereā€™s too much west Limerick madness coursing through his veins.

Possible well learn more but I do think Dowling is by far and away at his best in the half forward line. When he is in the shape he is in at ireland final day heā€™s a close to a starter or heā€™ll push the 3 lads very very close.

ah now, you are being very disingenuous here fella.

Everybody does the same work. The train the same amount of times a week, they all have gym programmes and nutrition programmes.

If you know that Shane isnā€™t doing the same as others or is doing less, come out and say it.

Thatā€™s what you are trying to get at here, like

Iā€™m surprised Hegarty wasnā€™t carried off, he did the running of five men and had to take an oul breather or two which is unlike him. Although he is freakishly fit by any standards.


he isnā€™t exactly cold and calculated like Finn, who while also being a dirty little bastard is a lot more cute about it


No Iā€™m saying each player has tailored gym and fitness programs. Some players need more gym work others fitness. Etc etc.

Itā€™s the same work, just different amounts kid. Kiely has said he has huge trust in all his panel members to do what is asked of them. They do everything that is asked of them

If you think Dowling doesnā€™t, say it and be done with it

And Iā€™m not saying shane isnā€™t doing the same work. Iā€™m saying certain players need to do more work than others to get to the required levels. Dowling was completely transformed by the end of last season.