Limerick GAA. Don't be sad. Another 45 won't be so bad. Limited heartbreak

He had his day. I do enjoy stubbornness and not backing down so Iā€™d appreciate him.

As an aside, in the context of the ongoing squabble over fitness, Iā€™m pleased to see you have withdrawn from referring to The Dow as The Sow. I believe it was right about the time he came off the bench for Na Piarsaigh in an All Ireland semi final and scored THAT goal that you stopped. Which was funny cos you were going full bore into him that afternoon and then you went out the back or off to the jacks. Or something.

Ah you probably donā€™t remember.


Iā€™d forgotten about calling him The Sow. Thanks for the reminder :+1:

No problem. Good luck with everything.

Heā€™d be dead by now.

Saving the Dow for Tipp and Kilkenny. Heā€™d have been wasted on Wexford.

if the weather/forecast stays the way it is, he might have another few weeks work done before we play them.

I wouldnā€™t be showing our full hand in the league anyway. Hayes and hego either side of the Dow with Graeme and Peter in the corners with gillane at 14 could completely transform our championship team.

Play all the Doon & Pallasgreen lads against Tipp anyway.


15 of the cunts on the field is enough :crazy_face::crazy_face:

Is fanning knocking about the panel or extended panel at all?

Nope, not atm.

there is a wildness in that man. He softened Daltonā€™s cough in a 21ā€™s match a few years ago. It was beautiful

Are you taking out Flanagan??

@TreatyStones ā€¦ still waiting your report of the weekend in London

Iā€™m just saying thereā€™s many different ways to skin a cat. Limerick will need to keep improving and changing their style to win. Iā€™d absolutely love to see Casey get a run at a 11. He reminds me of Richie Hogan sometimes.

Jaysus, by the talks of the Limerick lads here it seems the Tipp backs will be confused if the Dow takes to the field, they wonā€™t know whether to mark him or calf him.

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Some others on the sidelines might see it as an opportunity to rob him.

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Thatā€™s a bit strong suggesting that playing the Dow robs him of his dignity

Bubbles may try to snort him

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As big as bubbles nose is and itā€™s a fair hooter as hooters go, Iā€™d doubt very much heā€™d fit a lump that big up it.