Limerick GAA. Don't be sad. Another 45 won't be so bad. Limited heartbreak

You wouldnā€™t outmuscle Paudie too handily in fairness. When Downes was best for Limerick he played similar to Flanagan, running onto balls into space, but his scoring return was much higher, in particular goals. There were a lot of injury interrupted seasons and false start come backs. Na P in recent years had him standing close to goals and fired high balls in to him -always thought he was best running onto the ball. Being upgraded from a panel member to the subs bench last year shows he must have been pushing to be involved. If he can recapture even 90% of his best he could be a major addition.

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No one even bothers to pick a starting line up any more.

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It didnā€™t land there. We fucking grabbed it.

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Paudieā€™s real problem is that he always tried to catch every single ball. Which means the times he didnā€™t, he was exposed. Itā€™s a different style of defending at full-back completely.

  1. Quaid
  2. Condon
  3. Finn
  4. English
  5. Byrnes
  6. Hannon
  7. Morrissey
  8. Oā€™Donovan
  9. Lynch
  10. Hegarty
  11. Hayes
  12. Morrissey
  13. Casey
  14. Downes
  15. Gillane

Yep. He can be terrific in the half back line and really committed. Last weekend I thought his distribution was much improved too, remembering of course that he was given lot of time and space to play. Canā€™t see him gettin all that room this Sunday.

Paudie could do with watching Mike Caseyā€™s display last August when he did his best work without touching the ball

Wheres the B team?

this is serious business. Tipp are in town

Paudie was essentially playing as a sweeper last week was he not? Suits him down to the ground. A traditional no 3 role is not his game. Tipp clearly changing their approach this year.

He was a sweeper last week alright, but that was because Clare withdrew Oā€™Neill. Iā€™d be shocked if we donā€™t occupy him.

Very settled first 15 by the end of last season, in previous years we would t have even had enough games to establish such a settled team. A few of the lads that might push for places are currently injured too.

And anyway, Kiely is clearly going with a policy of getting more na p lads into the team this year. Which no one could argue with.

Exactly, especially if youā€™re marking a big fucker with limited hurling (like Aisake was). Donā€™t let him catch it.

Itā€™s a different matter if youā€™re marking a more rounded hurler like Conlon or someone.

Yeah, but will he play as standard 3 on our full forward or will tipp switch roles? Weā€™ll see sure.

You have to keep him busy we did it with Breen several times few years back kept him honest enough to not dominate, if he lines up wing back put Heggo in on him.

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and if he is wing back and Hego isnā€™t on him, donā€™t puck it down on top of him

Guilfoyle cleaned him a couple of weeks ago, so maybe Tipp have learned from that.

Heā€™s a good player but weā€™re well aware of his strengths and weaknesses, and weā€™re not going to do what Clare did last week.

How many Tipp players would make the Limerick team?

None unless they transferred.


The conditional tense mate, have you never had a conversation like that

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