Limerick GAA. Don't be sad. Another 45 won't be so bad. Limited heartbreak

PJ calls the shots.

4 changes from last week and the Hurler and Young Hurlet of the Year on the bench and u think we are taking it seriously🤷‍♂️

Are you really taking the musings on this site as indication that Limerick are taking the league “ so seriously “ ?

He’s still seething that Mike Casey hurled Johnny Glynn up a stick, let him be


The really serious musings happen in PM

You’d better believe it this is only used for throwing a few bones

Our most recent musings were based around which shireling Podge Collins most resembles, Frodo, Pippin, Samwise or Merry.


Yes. We a world and AI champions

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Casey half the lads size ffs. Has there ever been the likes of it? :grin:

Serious in fighting. Apple is back and all himself and glas are recking Our heads sure

That happens in public too, I wouldn’t mind that going private.

Not anymore kid. We get @anon32894817 and @glasagusban sorted and we’ll be like the black Knight

You couldn’t make it up sure, people wouldn’t believe you if you made it up

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Yes . Serious hurling men right enough


What are you gonna do about it? You shit yourself when I showed up in Croke Park last August.

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A lot of decisions are made there.

Welcome back Pampers.

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Welcome back mate, I hope you’re going to hold your shit together this time

I saw your fat hole waddling up the Cusack stand, wearing your cutoff demin jeans. I laughed. You thought you were in Cape Cod.