Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

@anon32894817 if Oola win Friday night I believe the final is being pushed back until the end of October to accommodate the jaunt to sandy lane.

What about the munster club? Is JP getting that moved as well

Pretty ridiculous scenario in fairness.

That’s not till the middle of November it’ll be interesting to see if nap / Pwell players travel.

They 100% will. You’d need a week off after winning a county anyway.

I’ll need about a month if we do it.

Nap players barely went out the day after they won the county last year. Pretty sure they trained the Tuesday after the final. There goal isn’t to win the county it’s win Munster at the minimum.

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They were playing Clonoulty the following Sunday last year

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They could have went on the piss till the Saturday night before that game and won .

It’ll be interesting I suspect they won’t go. Very focused group.

Yeah as @peddlerscross says, it’s a completely different situation. If they were playing the following weekend they probably wouldn’t go.

They’re going, as are the 3 Well lads, win, lose or draw

I’d reckon they won’t go.

The Ballyhale boys were in Australia for a week or so last year in the middle of their Leinster Campaign.

It’s really sickening if they move the football final too over this and shows how far limerick gaa has fallen. Whatever about the trip to New York which surely breaks the gaas own rules having a team holiday in October is a joke and very unfair on clubs.

Your dead right.

Club players waiting around all summer and then made wait again so the big house can massage a few egos

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All jps bitches will bury their head in the sand afraid to call it what it is. It’s a joke and a disgrace. Jp isn’t a gaa man he doesn’t understand it. He wouldn’t care about club games. What I always wondered given his closeness to the utter cunt sir Anthony McCoy how he didn’t learn something’s about top level sport. Tiger too. You are either totally focused or you’ve no chance. I don’t get why he disrupts our prep for games. Imagine trying to fly McCoy to Barbados when he was going for the jockeys championship. That’s what I don’t get at all. I fear jps golf tournament will dominate next year and not regaining the all Ireland. All told when kiely or whoever let Jp into the dressing room after the all Ireland final it probably finished there for us.

And from what I was told unlike like 2013 semi final he was kept well away from our prep for our 2018 run in. No suits no bullshit just singleminded focus on the task on hand. That should be noted and documented too. I’m sticking on the all Ireland final again now from 2018 I’m dying with tonsillitis.

You’re right to be fair. Couldn’t they go on holidays in November.

I’ve never understood the love in for JP. Man ofthe people etc.

The whole helicopter thing is nauseating.

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They are going to New York in November and nap contingent unlikely to be able to travel. Early January would be the traditional time for team holidays. I