Limerick GAA - Fuck bogball

The deferral could actually benefit NCW and their dual players if they win the intermediate hurling semi final on Sunday.

If there was any justice the football would go ahead next Sunday it’s original date and they’d postpone the hurling till the 28th of September or whenever. By bringing the hurling forward a week and pushing the football a week out confirms this was a joke from the start.

I’m penning a letter to the Irish times as we speak.

Absolutely not. The CB are terrified of the day he pulls the plug.

Fixing a holiday while club action was ongoing was always going to lead to some issue whether it be matches postponed due to weather, draws and replays, dual players involved etc.

It is unfair on both clubs and all players involved to have a county final almost in November.

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Well done dodgey :clap: well said. Any true limerick gaa supporters will come out and say this is a scandal. It’s extremely unfair.

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what have NCW to say about this I wonder?

Its absolutely scandalous and completely disrespectful of the club player, but sure who gives a fuck as long as the suits get their all expenses paid holiday.


As I said above if they win the hurling this weekend they get a two week gap between both county finals, rather than playing both on consecutive weeks. Mightn’t be the worst thing for them.

Just need NCW to say now they can’t play the weekend of the football final due to a stag or wedding. :see_no_evil:

That would actually be fairer but it won’t happen. Football will always be the poor relation.

I’m sure JP and all the players meant well with all this but it’s working out terribly with the timing

I’m NCW and I find it very unfair on the players involved. Yes it might benefit them due to the hurling, but playing a final 5 weeks after the semi is a farce. Very unfair on Oola too really, it just shows the disrespect as a whole shown to football in the county.


Agreed. It’s easy enough to keep going with a final on the horizon but it is bollox dragging it into November

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Well at least Adare can’t disgrace us in the Munster club again.

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The winners play the cork winners anyway so it more than likely won’t go down well :joy:

A decent Cork or Kerry junior side would beat our top senior teams at this stage!

You have a point but I can’t see the editorial board of the IT being sufficiently worried about the footballers of Oola and NCW

It’s a gaa issue the whole country should know about it. This isn’t just about the footballers off oola or Newcastle. There was plenty of abuse when I suggested the holiday was ott now the likes of English, ryan and dod have to make a decision either go on the trip or stay. If they go and lose by a point in the final do they wonder what If. What do their club mates think if they lose by a point. If stay behind it’s not good for team moral or bonding if a good lads miss the trip. It’s simply unfair. Only in limerick is this tolerated.

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Oola excellent in the second half tonight, they’ll take some stopping now. The break for the holiday could fuck with the momentum they’ve built up, even though it is a bit of a gap since the last game against Newcastle West


Newcastle west have to wait 5 weeks. That must be some record.

So help me God, I actually agree with @anon32894817 here. The timing of it is shocking bad


You agree with me a lot more than you care to admit. Most people do.